Risk based screening for gestational diabetes mellitus and its fetomaternal outcome


  • AASMA NAZ QURESHI Peoples University of Medical and Health Sciences PUMHS, Nawabshah.
  • IRFAN AHMED Peoples University Hospital Nawabshah.
  • ASHOK KUMAR LOHANO Peoples University Hospital Nawabshah.
  • FARAH AFROZ Hyderabad.
  • DR.KHAWER HUSSSAIN Peoples University Hospital Nawabshah.




Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Polyhydramnios, Macrosomia, Preeclampsia


Objectives: The objective of this study is to determine the frequency of factors leading to gestational diabetes mellitus and fetomaternal outcomes. Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Unit-II at Liaquat University Hospital Hyderabad. Study Design:  Cross sectional study. Duration of Study: Six months (1st July 2017 to 31st December 2017). Subject and Methods: A total of 86 Women with GDM included in the study by identification of risk factors from history an examination. A sample of capillary blood was tested with glucometer for random blood sugar level. GDM was diagnosed 2 hours blood glucose more than 126 mg/dl.Women with GDM was evaluated and followed to see the maternal outcome i.e. preterm delivery, pre-eclampsia and operative delivery and fetal outcome i.e. congenital anomalies, live birth, still birth, early neonatal death and macrosomia. All the data was entered on a pre-designed proforma attached at the end of synopsis. Results: The average age of the women was 26.23±4.03 years.  Frequency of factors leading to gestational diabetes mellitus was previous history of previous GDM; 66.3%, Previous history of macrosomia54.7%, Polyhydramnios in current pregnancy 51.2%, macrosomia in current pregnancy 44.2%,  previous history of shoulder dystosia 41.9%, and women with BMI >25kg/m2was observed in 32.6% cases. GDM causes significant maternal and fetal complications including preeclampsia 51.2%, preterm 23.3%, and operative delivery 29.1% as well as fetal death was observed in 21(24.4%) in which 17.44% still birth (15/86) and 6.98 (6/86) were neonatal death. Conclusion: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus is associated with increased morbidity in mothers and fetus. Early detection and intervention is important because it improves pregnancy outcome.

Author Biographies

AASMA NAZ QURESHI, Peoples University of Medical and Health Sciences PUMHS, Nawabshah.


Senior Registrar

Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology


IRFAN AHMED, Peoples University Hospital Nawabshah.


Postgraduate Student of Medicine


ASHOK KUMAR LOHANO, Peoples University Hospital Nawabshah.


Assistant Professor

Department of Medicine

FARAH AFROZ, Hyderabad.


Women Medical Officer

DR.KHAWER HUSSSAIN, Peoples University Hospital Nawabshah.


Postgraduate Student of Medicine






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