Invivo and ex-vivo evaluation and characterization of wound healing effect of topical calendulaofficinalis and turmeric cream in diabetic rats.


  • Komal Arshad
  • Bushra Nasir BahaUddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan.
  • Aroosa Sharif
  • Maria Shah University of Swabi, Swabi Pakistan.
  • Furqan Iqbal BahaUddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan



Calendula Officinal is, Diabetic Rat, Turmeric Powder, Topical Cream, Wound Healing


Objective: To evaluate wound healing by topically administration of calendulaofficinalis and tumeric cream to diabetic rats. Study Design: Observational Cross-sectional study Setting: Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, BahaUddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan Period: October 2020-march 2021. Method: Different batches of hydrophilic cream bases (C1-C6) were developed and characterized. The optimized base composition (C6) was loaded with calendula Officinal is extract and turmeric powder as an active ingredient (C7) and evaluated the rate at which wounds heal in diabetic rats. Calendula officinal is and turmeric were combined in a cream, as different stability parameters of the creams were analysed at different temperature. Microbiological action of the cream was also examined. Results: The formulation was homogenous, stable with pH 6.29±0.03, viscosity 381± 6.96 Cps and the microbiological quality met the requirements of European pharmacopeia. The total flavonoid content was less than 1. The formulation showed accelerated wound healing with more than 95% wound contraction after tenth day. Conclusion: The result were favorable and suggested that topical administration of Calendula officinal is and turmeric powder combination would enhance wound healing in diabetic rats with potential for diabetic foot ulcer treatment. Moreover, the designed formulation poses good quality emulsion system stabilizing the active ingredient as well as appropriate release of medicinal agents.

Author Biographies

Komal Arshad

M.Phil (Pharmaceutics),

Bushra Nasir, BahaUddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan.

Ph.D (Pharmacy), Assistant Professor Pharmaceutics, 

Aroosa Sharif

M.Phil (Pharmaceutics),

Maria Shah, University of Swabi, Swabi Pakistan.

M.Phil Student, Department of Pharmacy, 

Furqan Iqbal, BahaUddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan

Ph.D (Pharmacy), Assistant Professor Faculty of Pharmacy, 






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