Stroke,, Young adults,, Causes,, Hypertension,, Smoking,, Dyslipidemia and Diabetes Mellitus.Abstract
Objectives: To determine the frequency of common factors leading to stroke in
young local population. Study Design: It is Descriptive Cross-Sectional study. Setting: Medical
floor, DHQ, Hospital, Faisalabad. Period of Study: 6 Months, September, 2016 to February,
2017. Methodology: A total of 150 diagnosed cases of stoke between 18-40 years of age of
either gender were enrolled in this trial. We excluded all those cases with recurrent history
of cerebrovascular accidents, space occupying lesion, head injury, hypoglycemia, transient
ischemic attack, CNS infection. We used CT brain showing either infarct or hemorrhage. After
a detailed history from patient/relative including the common factors of stroke, all patients
undergoing thorough physical examination, CT/MRI Scan brain, lipid profile and fasting blood
glucose measurement to rule out the presence/absence of hypertension, smoking, Dyslipidemia
and diabetes mellitus being the common risk factors. Results: Age distribution shows 38%
(n=57) were between 18-30 years while 62% (n=93) between 31-40 years, mean+sd was
calculated as 35.21+6.47 years. (Table-I) Gender distribution shows 64% (n=96) male and
36% (n=54) females. (Table-II). Frequency of common factors leading to stroke in young adults
reveals hypertension in 60.67% (n=91), diabetes mellitus in 41.33% (n=62), smoking in 31.33%
(n=47) and dyslipidemia in 23.33% (n=35). Conclusion: The results of the study conclude that
among common factors hypertension, smoking, dyslipidemia and diabetes mellitus are the
leading causes of stroke and these factors are modifiable and by controlling on these factors,
the frequency of stroke in young adults may be avoided.