Faculty development: Need assessment survey in a newly established Medical College of Lahore.


  • Ali Haider RLKU Medical and Dental College, Lahore.
  • Naureen Omar RLKU Medical and Dental College, Lahore
  • Kinza Ghafoor RLKU Medical and Dental College, Lahore.
  • Faheem Mahmood RLKU Medical and Dental College, Lahore.
  • Mudassar Ali Rashid Latif Medical College, Lahore.
  • Sahar Mudassar Rashid Latif Medical College, Lahore.




Faculty Development, Need Assessment, Workshops


Objective: To assess the needs of faculty regarding teaching, assessment and research methods so as to develop a program in a newly established medical college of Lahore. Study Design: Descriptive Cross-sectional study. Setting: Rashid Latif Khan University (RLKU) Medical and Dental College, Lahore. Period: July–December 2023. Methods: Descriptive study was conducted in RLKU Medical College within six months. Structured self- administered questionnaires were used for data collection via Google forms. A total of 50 faculty members gave data after verbal consent. IRB approvals were taken. Data was analysed using Excel. Frequencies and percentages were calculated. Results: Majority faculty members (88%) preferred student cantered teaching approach with the usage (94%) of different methodologies in small group teaching. Feedback was being taken regarding teaching and assessment by majority (90%). Workshops on teaching methodologies was the area of interest especially small group teaching (62%), peer assisted learning (54%), problem based learning (54%) and large group teaching (52%). Most of them expressed need of workshops on assessment especially assessment types (60%), MCQ (56%), OSPE/OSCE (54%) construction. Faculty was of the opinion that workshops on mentoring (72%), reflection (56%), portfolio development (64%), research methodology (76%), computer skills (70%), ethics (60%) and soft skills (82%) need to be conducted. Conclusion: Workshops on teaching methodologies and assessments are essential our study concludes that although most of the faculty is trained but they still feel the need for workshops to keep them updated and trained in major aspects of curriculum delivery as well as research, mentoring, computer and soft skills highlighting the need of a robust faculty development program.

Author Biographies

Ali Haider, RLKU Medical and Dental College, Lahore.

MBBS, Demonstrator Medical Education, 

Naureen Omar, RLKU Medical and Dental College, Lahore

MBBS, M.Phil, MHPE, Director Medical Education and Associate Professor Community Medicine, 

Kinza Ghafoor, RLKU Medical and Dental College, Lahore.

MBBS, Demonstrator Medical Education, 

Faheem Mahmood, RLKU Medical and Dental College, Lahore.

MBBS, M.Phil, CHPE, Professor Physiology, 

Mudassar Ali, Rashid Latif Medical College, Lahore.

MBBS, M.Phil, CHPE, Professor Physiology, 

Sahar Mudassar, Rashid Latif Medical College, Lahore.

MBBS, M.Phil, CHPE, Professor Pathology, 






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