Frequency and risk factors for inadequate preparation on boston bowel scale during colonoscopic examination.


  • Mashal Bai Liaquat National Hospital, Karachi.
  • Shahid Karim Liaquat National Hospital, Karachi.
  • Rajesh Kumar Liaquat National Hospital, Karachi.
  • Afsheen Faryal Jinnah Medical & Dental College, Karachi.
  • Sindhu Rani Ghulam Muhammad Mahar Medical College, Sukkur.



Bowel Preparation, Colonoscopy, Endoscopy, Esophagogastroduodenoscopy, Intestinal Obstruction


Objective: To determine the frequency and risk factors for inadequate bowel preparation using Boston Bowel Preparation Scale. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Gastroenterology Department, Liaquat National Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan. Period: September 2022 to June 2023. Methods: The study comprised of patients between 18 to 70 years undergoing colonoscopy. Boston bowel preparation score (BBPS) was used to evaluate the quality of bowel preparation before washing or suctioning. Total score was calculated taking sum of scores in all three segments. Adequate preparation was defined as all 3 BBPS segment scores ≥ 2. Results: In a total of 136 patients, the mean age was 55.8±14.1 years. The mean BBPS score was 5.7±3.5. Based on the criteria of overall adequate rate, inadequate preparation was seen among 44 (32.4%) patients. Lower risk of inadequate preparation was significantly associated with outpatient patients, patients consuming more water and patients with liquid stool consistency whereas odds were significantly higher among patients with age 50 years and above, males, diabetic patients, patients receiving movcal sachet and dulcolex for preparation, patients with lower number of stools (2-4 stools per day) and, patients receiving insulin. Conclusion: The risk of inadequate preparation was higher among older age patients, male gender, diabetic patients, and patients with less number of stools with semi solid consistency.

Author Biographies

Mashal Bai, Liaquat National Hospital, Karachi.

MBBS, Post-graduate Resident Gastroenterology, 

Shahid Karim, Liaquat National Hospital, Karachi.

MBBS, FCPS (Medicine), FCPS (Gastroenterology), Associate Professor Gastroenterology, 

Rajesh Kumar, Liaquat National Hospital, Karachi.

MBBS, FCPS (Gastroenterology), Assistant Professor Gastroenterology, 

Afsheen Faryal, Jinnah Medical & Dental College, Karachi.

MBBS, FCPS (Internal Medicine), Assistant Professor Medicine, 

Sindhu Rani, Ghulam Muhammad Mahar Medical College, Sukkur.

MBBS, FCPS (Internal Medicine), Associate Professor Medicine, 






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