Frequency and risk factors of ventilator associated pneumonia at neonatal intensive care unit of Nishtar Hospital, Multan.


  • Afaq Hussain Nishtar Hospital & Medical University, Multan.
  • Muhammad Anwar Quaid e Azam Medical College, Bahawalpur.
  • Ali Amjad Sheikh The Children’s Hospital & Institute of Child Health, Multan.
  • Azam Khan Nishtar Hospital & Medical University, Multan.



Gestational Age, Low Birth Weight, Mechanical Ventilation, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Pneumonia


Objective: To determine the frequency and risk factors of ventilator associated pneumonia at neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: NICU of Nishtar Hospital Multan, Pakistan. Period: January 2023 to June 2023. Material & Methods: We analyzed babied of both genders aged between 1 to 28 days admitted in NICU and undergoing mechanical ventilation (MV) due to any reasons for a minimum duration of 2 days. Information like gender, age, residential status, gestational age, birth weight and mode of delivery were noted. During MV period, neonates were closely observed for VAP. Results: In a total of 189 neonates, 104 (55.0%) were boys. The mean age at the time of NICU admission was 4.6±4.2 days while 128 (67.7%) neonates were aged below 7 days. The mean gestational age was 33.5±4.6 weeks while 156 neonates were pre-term. The mean birth-weight was 1914±640 grams. Residential status of 113 (59.8%) neonates was rural. Mode of delivery was lower segment cesarean section in 160 (84.7%). The frequency of VAP was found in 51 (27.0%) neonates who underwent MV. Relatively young age (below 7 days, p=0.0089), pre-term birth (37 weeks, p=0.0342) and low birth weight (<2500 grams, p<0.0001) were found to have significant association with VAP. Conclusion: The frequency of VAP was high among neonates. Younger age, less gestational age and low birth weight were associated with VAP.

Author Biographies

Afaq Hussain, Nishtar Hospital & Medical University, Multan.

MBBS, FCPS (Pediatrics), Clinical Fellow Neonatology, Senior Registrar Neonatology, 

Muhammad Anwar, Quaid e Azam Medical College, Bahawalpur.

DCH, FCPS (Pediatrics) FCPS (Neonatology), Associate Professor Neonatology, 

Ali Amjad Sheikh, The Children’s Hospital & Institute of Child Health, Multan.

FCPS (Pediatrics), Clinical Fellow Neonatology, Senior Registrar Neonatology, 

Azam Khan, Nishtar Hospital & Medical University, Multan.

FCPS (Pediatrics), Professor and Head Pediatrics, 






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