Patterns of dengue rash in patients presenting with dengue fever in emergency.


  • Alvia Saad Patel Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Saad Usmani Liaquat College of Medicine & Dentistry, Karachi, Pakistan.
  • Shua Nasir Ziauddin University and Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan.
  • Mariam Muhammad Sharif Memon Medical Institute & Hospital, Karachi.
  • Lal Shehbaz Liaquat College of Medicine & Dentistry, Karachi, Pakistan. 
  • Arifa haque Liaquat college of medicine & dentistry



Dengue Fever, Dengue Rash, Morbilliform


Objective: Patterns of Dengue Rash in Patients Presenting with Dengue Fever in Emergency. Study Design: Descriptive study. Setting: Emergency Department, Ziauddin Hospital. Period: September 2022 to October 2022. Methods: The sample size of study was n=250. The study was conducted in dengue endemic months on patients presenting in emergency department with confirmed dengue fever patients with serological testing positive of either gender and age 14yrs-60yrs with different clinical manifestations of dengue fever. All the patients with other febrile illness associated rash like measles, previous dermatological conditions were excluded from the study. Results: The mean age of the patients was 35.68±10.7 yrs. The frequency of males and females was n=129:121 (51.6%:48.4%). Mostly the patients presented from 20-35yrs of age were n=137 (54.8%), 36-50yrs n= 86(34.4%), n= 27(10.8%) for 51-60yrs of age. Of total cases enrolled, n=40 patients presented with an atypical rash resembling morbilliform n=10, n= 12 present with itchy rash with red patches of skin and raised border, n= 8 with itchy papular shutter cock resembling rash, and n=10 with isolated rashes involving only palms and soles with moderate to severe pruritus. Conclusion: Increasing incidence and emergence of different strains are associated with atypical rash further serotype testing for other types in dengue are required.

Author Biographies

Alvia Saad, Patel Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan.

FCPS, EBEEM (A), MRCEM (A), Registrar Emergency Medicine, 

Muhammad Saad Usmani, Liaquat College of Medicine & Dentistry, Karachi, Pakistan.

FCPS (General Surgery), Professor Anatomy, 

Shua Nasir, Ziauddin University and Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan.

MD-EMD, Associate Professor Emergency Medicine, 

Mariam Muhammad Sharif, Memon Medical Institute & Hospital, Karachi.

FCPS, Consultant Dermatologist. 

Lal Shehbaz, Liaquat College of Medicine & Dentistry, Karachi, Pakistan. 

FCPS, Assistant Professor Oral Pathology, 

Arifa haque, Liaquat college of medicine & dentistry







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