A unique case of laproscopic port site tuberculosis.


  • Muhammad Tahir Ghani City Hospital The Mall Road Wahcantt.
  • Afsar Ali City Hospital The Mall Road Wahcantt.
  • Nain Sukh Hi-tech Medical College, Taxila.




Atypical Mycobacterium, Antitubercolous Treatment, Epithelioid Granulomas, Laproscopic Cholecystectomy


We report a case of 27 years old lady who presented after 04 weeks of laproscopic cholecystectomy, with purulent discharge from 03 port sites most likely due to improper sterilization of re-usable laproscopic instruments. Patient was initially managed conservatively by repeated incision and drainage and multiple antibiotics including second line drugs against atypical mycobacterium were prescribed but infection did not settle. Her routine bacterial cultures and acid fast bacillus (AFB) stains were negative. After 07 months patient started developing abscesses in surrounding primary port sites and it was finally decided to excise the discharging sinus tracks and sent for histopathology. Histopathology confirmed tuberculosis as it showed epithelioid granulomas. Patient was started with standard first line anti tuberculous treatment (ATT) to eradicate the disease and she became alright after 06 months of ATT.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Tahir Ghani, City Hospital The Mall Road Wahcantt.

FCPS (Surgery), Consultant and HOD Surgery, 

Afsar Ali, City Hospital The Mall Road Wahcantt.

MCPS, Pulmonologist Pulmonology, 

Nain Sukh, Hi-tech Medical College, Taxila.

FCPS (Surgery), Senior Registrar Surgery, 






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