Functional independence among a geriatric population in Karachi, Pakistan: A cross sectional study.


  • Maaha Usmani Liaquat National Hospital, Karachi.
  • Rabeeya Saeed Liaquat National Hospital, Karachi.
  • Faridah Amin Indus Hospital Health Network, Karachi.
  • Noureen Durrani Liaquat National Hospital, Karachi.
  • Muhammad Kashan Zaheer Liaquat National Hospital, Karachi.
  • Areeba Mateen Liaquat National Hospital, Karachi.
  • Fatima Shakeel Liaquat National Hospital, Karachi.
  • Sateesh Kumar Jinnah postgraduate Medical Centre, Karachi.



Daily Living, Elderly, Functional Capability, Geriatrics, Pakistan


Objective: To find out the frequency and associated factors of impaired IADLs (instrumental activities of daily living) among the geriatric population of Pakistan. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Department of Family Medicine and Outreach Centres, Liaquat National Hospital, Karachi. Period: Dec 2020 to Dec 2021. Material & Methods: A total of 200 participants of either gender aged above 60 years were included. At the time of data collection, demographic information was noted along with impairment in specific IADLs and associated factors. Results: Total 200 participants were included in the study. Median age and body mass index was 70 (IQR= 65-73) years and 24.8 (IQR= 21.8-27.8) Kg/m2. Majority of study participants considered that their health status is better (n=92, 46%) whereas some considered it as not as good (n=33, 16.5%) and good (n=55, 27.5%). Few had no idea about their health status (n=20, 10%). The enrolled participants had comorbidity of hypertension (n=78, 39%), diabetes (n=53, 26.5%), ischemic heart diseases (n=10, 5%) and hypothyroid (n=15, 7.5%). Overall 85 (42.5%) study participants were found to be dependent with median IADL score of 6 (IQR= 4-7). Conclusion: Quite a significant proportion of the study participants were found to be dependent. Advancing age, gender predisposition, perceived weight loss and psychological distress were found to be associated with impairment in instrumental activities of daily living.

Author Biographies

Maaha Usmani, Liaquat National Hospital, Karachi.

MBBS, Resident Family Medicine, 

Rabeeya Saeed, Liaquat National Hospital, Karachi.

MBBS, FCPS (Family Medicine), MRCGP, PGD, Assistant Professor and Head Family Medicine, 

Faridah Amin, Indus Hospital Health Network, Karachi.

MBBS, FCPS, MRCGP (Int), PhD (Health Education), MSc (Clinical Research), Director, College of Family Medicine, Professor Family Medicine, 

Noureen Durrani, Liaquat National Hospital, Karachi.

M.Sc (Statistics), Biostatistician, Publication Department, 

Muhammad Kashan Zaheer, Liaquat National Hospital, Karachi.

MBBS, House Officer Family Medicine, 

Areeba Mateen, Liaquat National Hospital, Karachi.

MBBS, House Officer Family Medicine, 

Fatima Shakeel, Liaquat National Hospital, Karachi.

MBBS, House Officer Family Medicine, 

Sateesh Kumar, Jinnah postgraduate Medical Centre, Karachi.

MBBS, House Officer Family Medicine, 






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