
  • Maryam Zulfiqar Ameer ud Din Medical College, PGMI, Lahore General Hospital, Lahore.
  • M. Imran Hasan Khan Medical Diabetes Endocrine and Metabolic Center (DEMC) LGH, Lahore
  • Salman Shakeel LGH, Lahore
  • Farhat Naz Ameer ud Din Medical College, PGMI, Lahore General Hospital, Lahore.




Polyhydramnios, Amniotic Fluid, Gestational Age, Macrosomia, Malpresentation


Background: Polyhydramnios is a condition characterized by excessive
amniotic fluid around the baby. The most widespread causes of severe Polyhydramnios are fetal
anomalies often linked with a primary genetic anomaly. However, gestational diabetes, multiple
pregnancies and idiopathic factors are commonly related with milder cases. So, we designed
this study to see the association of polyhydramnios and perinatal outcome. Objectives: To
compare the Perinatal outcomes in patients with explained and unexplained Polyhydramnios.
Study Design: Cohort study. Setting: Obstetrics & Gynaecology Department and Diabetes
clinic of Postgraduate Medical Institute, Lahore General Hospital. Period: 6 months From Jan
2014 to June 2014. Material & Methods: 300 females were included through Non probability
purposive sampling. Informed consent and Demographic history was recorded. The patients
were divided into two groups. Those having congenital anomalies and diabetes mellitus
determined by ultrasonography and laboratory investigations were included in Group ‘I’ and
patients with no detectable cause of polyhydramnios were included in Group ‘II’. All the data was
recorded in well-defined proforma. Data was entered and analyzed through SPSS 20. Relative
risk was calculated to see any association between perinatal outcomes in both study groups.
RR > 1 was considered as statistically significant. Results: The mean age of the patients was
noted as 29.37±5.37 years. The mean gestational age was noted as 34.82±2.09 weeks. In this
study, Macrosomia was observed in 60 (20%) cases whereas Malpresentation was observed
in 51 (17%) cases. Malpresentation was observed in 51 patients out of which 14 (27.5%) were
from explained Polyhydramnios and 37 (72.5%) were from unexplained Polyhydramnios group.
Statistically there is significant difference between the study groups i.e. RR=3.181. Macrosomia
was observed in 60 patients out of which 18 (30%) were from explained Polyhydramnios group
and 42 (70%) were from unexplained Polyhydramnios group. Statistically there is significant
difference between the study groups i.e. RR=2.852. Conclusion: It was concluded through
results of this study that unexplained Polyhydramnios has more risk of developing adverse
perinatal outcome.

Author Biographies

Maryam Zulfiqar, Ameer ud Din Medical College, PGMI, Lahore General Hospital, Lahore.

MBBS, FCPS (Gynae Obst)
Senior Registrar
Department of Gynae Obst Unit 2

M. Imran Hasan Khan, Medical Diabetes Endocrine and Metabolic Center (DEMC) LGH, Lahore

MBBS, FCPS (Medicine), MRCP
MRCPS (Glasg), FRCP (Edn),
FRCP (Glasg), FRCP (London),
Associate Professor & Incharge
Department of Medicine

Salman Shakeel, LGH, Lahore

Resident, Medical 2, 

Farhat Naz, Ameer ud Din Medical College, PGMI, Lahore General Hospital, Lahore.

MBBS, FCPS Gynae Obs
Department of Gynae Obst Unit 2






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