Comparison of outcome of conventional suture ligation versus ligasure vessel sealing in patients undergoing total thyroidectomy for multinodular goiter.


  • Ahmed Raza Hameed Mayo Hospital, Lahore.
  • Ahmed Siddique Ammar Mayo Hospital, Lahore.
  • Mishal Saleem King Edward Medical University, Lahore.
  • Hamza Naeem King Edward Medical University, Lahore.
  • Umar Hameed Services Institute of Medical Sciences SIMS, Lahore.
  • Shehr Bano Khattak Mayo Hospital, Lahore.
  • Ameer Afzal Mayo Hospital, Lahore.
  • Syed Asghar Naqi Mayo Hospital, Lahore.



Bleeding, Ligasure, Post-operative, Surgery, Suture, Thyroidectomy


Objective: To compare the results of Ligasure versus conventional suture ligation for thyroidectomy for multinodular goiter in terms of mean operative time and post-operative drain output volume. Study Design: Comparative Prospective study. Setting: Department of General Surgery, Mayo Hospital Lahore. Period: 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2021. Material & Methods: After approval from the Institutional review board of King Edward medical university, a sample of 140 patients was obtained. Patients were divided into 2 groups, Group A and Group B. Group A patients underwent total thyroidectomy with Ligasure vessel sealing while Group B patients underwent total thyroidectomy with conventional suture ligation. Operative time and post-operative drain volume were measured and documented. The P-value of ≤ 0.05 was considered significant. Results: The average age of the patients was 36.04 ± 9.78 years with minimum and maximum ages being 18 & 61 years respectively. The mean surgery time was 137.80 ± 26.21 minutes in group A while in group B the mean surgery time of the patients was 164.91 ± 31.94 minutes (P-value= <0.001). The mean post-op drain volume in group A was 91.28 ± 7.82 ml, almost similar to group B patients i: e 70.28 ± 4.33 ml (P-value=0.14). Conclusion: Ligasure vessel sealing is significantly better than conventional suture ligation in terms of mean surgery duration but there is no difference in post-operative drain volume in both groups.

Author Biographies

Ahmed Raza Hameed, Mayo Hospital, Lahore.

MBBS, MS (General Surgery), Senior Registrar General Surgery East Surgery Ward, 


Ahmed Siddique Ammar, Mayo Hospital, Lahore.

MBBS, MS, FACS, Senior Registrar General Surgery East Surgery Ward, 

Mishal Saleem, King Edward Medical University, Lahore.

MBBS, Medical Officer, 


Hamza Naeem, King Edward Medical University, Lahore.

MBBS, Medical Officer, 


Umar Hameed, Services Institute of Medical Sciences SIMS, Lahore.

MBBS, Post Graduate Resident General Surgery, 


Shehr Bano Khattak, Mayo Hospital, Lahore.

MBBS, Post Graduate Resident ENT Unit –I, 


Ameer Afzal, Mayo Hospital, Lahore.

MBBS, FCPS, MS, Professor Surgery North Surgical Ward, 


Syed Asghar Naqi, Mayo Hospital, Lahore.

MBBS, FRCS, FCPS, FACS, MCPS, Professor Surgery East Surgical Ward, 







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