Impaled trans-palatal crochet needle impacted at skull base; a multidisciplinary management challenge.
Computed Tomography Angiography, Foreign Bodies, Jugular Foramina, Oropharynx, Vertebral Artery, Wounds and InjuriesAbstract
Pediatric oro-pharyngeal trauma is a common observation in hospital accidents & emergencies reception. Immense responsibility rests with specialized health care providers to instantly diagnose and manage a rather small proportion of life-threatening complication associated with such injuries. Postero-lateral oropharyngeal trauma carries a significant risk of major neurovascular insult. More-over such patients are exposed to high radiation exposure to face, head & neck regions. A multi-disciplinary approach involving high dependency nursing, neuro-observation, meticulous imaging, prompt surgical exploration where indicated and a cautious follow-up must be considered as neurovascular manifestation may become apparent after some days of initial injury.
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