Association of E-Cadherin expression with different histopathological grading of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) in Hyderabad Sindh.


  • Khushbu Lohana Ziauddin College of Dentistry, Ziauddin University.
  • Shahzaman Memon Bhitai Dental and Medical College, Mirpurkhas.
  • Shafqat Hussain Khuwaja Isra Dental College, Isra University, Hyderabad.
  • Waqas Iqbal Isra Dental College, Isra University, Hyderabad.
  • Hafiz Mahmood Muhammad Medical and Dental College, Mirpurkhas.
  • Farha Tasleem Isra Dental College, Isra University Hyderabad.



E-cadherin, Histopathological Grading, OSCC


Objective: To evaluate association of E-cadherin with different histopathological categorizing of oral squamous cell carcinoma in Hyderabad region. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Branch of Oral Operation and Oral Pathology, Isra Dental College (IDC) Hyderabad. Study Period: 25th November 2021 to 25th November 2022. Material & Methods: Total 58 patients of OSCC and 10 normal mucosa samples were enrolled in this study, patient’s age, gender, habit and site of lesion was recorded on proforma. Total 68 paraffin embedded tissue fragments were processed discolored with Eosin & Hematoxylin stain. Further the tissue sectors stood immune-stained with E-cadherin and slide evaluated by pathologists. Results: Total 58 diagnosed patients of OSCC were characterized into three collections well distinguished, discreetly discriminated and unwell categorized OSCC. Total 46 (79%) were male and 12 (21%) were female. The cruel age of a female to male was 36.14 VS 43.21 years. Study reported decrease level of E-cadherin appearance with increasing “histopathological grading of OSCC”, expression of E-cadherin was high in well distinguished OSCC trailed by moderately discriminated OSCC and poorly discriminated OSCC. Conclusion: Conclusions of the learning Reduced E-cadherin transcript has been linked to greater intrusiveness and metastatic spread in many malignancies, which include oral cancers. The level of E-cadherin expression recorded decrease with increasing severity and histopathological grading of OSCC. This would be proven a useful marker tool for the prediction of OSCC grading and oral cancers to metastasize, providing valuable information for cancer diagnosis and treatment planning.

Author Biographies

Khushbu Lohana, Ziauddin College of Dentistry, Ziauddin University.

BDS, MSc (Oral Biology), Senior Lecturer Oral Biology, 


Shahzaman Memon, Bhitai Dental and Medical College, Mirpurkhas.

BDS, MSc (Oral Pathology), Assistant Professor Oral Pathology, 


Shafqat Hussain Khuwaja, Isra Dental College, Isra University, Hyderabad.

BDS, MSc (Periodontology), Assistant Professor Periodontology, 


Waqas Iqbal, Isra Dental College, Isra University, Hyderabad.

BDS, MDS (Oral Pathology), Associate Professor Oral Pathology, 

Hafiz Mahmood, Muhammad Medical and Dental College, Mirpurkhas.

BDS, M.Phil (Science of Dental Materials), Associate Professor Science of Dental Materials, 


Farha Tasleem, Isra Dental College, Isra University Hyderabad.


BDS, MSc (Operative Dentistry), Assistant Professor Science of Dental Material, 






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