Serum Vitamin D levels of children attending pediatric clinic at HMC IBP.


  • Ambreen Ahmad DRPTT HMC/KGMC.
  • Islam Gul Afridi DEPTT HYMC/KGMC.



Vitamin D, Children, Deficiency, Sunshine, Vitamin D Fortification


Objective: To assess the serum vitamin D levels of children attending pediatric clinic at HMC –IBP. Study Design: Prospective Cross Sectional study. Setting: This study was carried out in institution based private clinic of padiatrics in Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar. Period: April 2018 to April 2022. Material & Methods: All patients who presented to pediatric clinic with nonspecific bone and muscle pains (especially night time leg pains), mild motor delays and repeated chest infections were included in the study. Patients having clinical signs of rickets were excluded from the study. 5ml venous sample was obtained from each patient after informed verbal consent from parents. Blood test was performed in the hospital laboratory on COBAS E601 instrument employing chemiluminescent Electro Immune assay (ECLIA). Results of vitamin D levels of these patients were recorded on excel sheet and statistically analyzed using SPSS version 25. The variables were put in tables and graph and statistical relationship was assessed for quantitative variables. Definition of Vitamin D Deficiency: No international consensus on the definition of vitamin D deficiency in children exists yet. The Espaghan committee of nutrition and American Academy of pediatrics has not defined the exact definition of vitamin D deficiency. Our hospital used the level as severe to moderate deficiency <10ng/ml. mild/borderline 10-30ng/ml, 30-40ng/ml as hypovitaminosis and 40-100ng/ml as optimum level. Results: This study was conducted on 146 patients. Out of these 146 patients 78 (53.4%) were male and 68(46.6%) were females. The age range was from 1year to 15 years. The combined prevalence of deficiency and insufficiency was 52% and optimum levels were documented in 47.9% children. Severe deficiency according to definition <10ng/ml was documented in10 children (6.8%). Vitamin D levels were reported slightly lower in girls 25.88% as compared to boys 25% but severe deficiency was significantly lower in girls 4.7% as compared to boys 2.3%. p value <.o5 Older children (7-15 years) showed higher levels of vitamin D deficiency 53.4% as compared to infants (1-2 years) of 4.8%. Vitamin D deficiency was reported more in winter months (October-March) 51% than in summer (April –September47%. Conclusion: The study concluded that more than half of the patients who visited pediatric clinic with nonspecific bone and muscle pains were vitamin D deficient.

Author Biographies

Ambreen Ahmad, DRPTT HMC/KGMC.

FCPS (Peds), Associate Professor and Chairman Pediatric, 

Islam Gul Afridi, DEPTT HYMC/KGMC.

FCPS (Peds), Assistant Professor Pediatric, 






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