Fetomaternal outcome in pregnant patients with fibroids at a tertiary care hospital.


  • Iram Aslam Independent University Hospital, Faisalabad.
  • Nadia Sharif Independent Medical College, Faisalabad.
  • Saima Qureshi Independent University Hospital, Faisalabad.
  • Uzma Manzoor Independent University Hospital, Faisalabad.
  • Saadia Bano Independent University Hospital, Faisalabad.  
  • Uzma Shahzad Independent University Hospital, Faisalabad.  




Caesarean Section, Fibroid, Feto Maternal Outcome


Objective: To determine frequency of adverse pregnancy outcomes in patients presenting with uterine fibroids at a tertiary care hospital. Study Design: Descriptive Cross Sectional. Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Independent Medical Collage, Faisalabad. Period: January 2021 to December 2022. Material & Methods: A descriptive cross sectional study was performed over a period of two year from January 2021 to December 2022 at Obstetrics and Gynecology department of Independent University Hospital, Faisalabad. Results: Among total 48 patients of our study 7 patients were aged <20 while 18 were between 20 to 30 years of age and 23 were in 30 to 40 yr age group. Out of 48 patients, 27 were primigraidas, 18 patients were in G2 to G4 group and 10 were >G4. Among 48 patients, 8 had body mass index<25 kg/m2.12 patients had BMI between 26-30kg/m2 and 28 patients had BMI>30kg/m2. 7 patients had symptoms <6 months.14 patients had symptoms for more than 6 months but less than 1 yr while 27 patients had symptoms >1 yr. In our study, 6 patients has spontaneous miscarriages. In our study 9 patients had preterm birth and 22 patients needed caesarean section and 10 patients had PPH. Conclusion: Pregnancy in patients with fibroids, should be considered as high risk, as it is associated with adverse pregnancy outcome. So pregnancy has to be cautiously reserved in the antenatal period, through regular follow up, to detect any obstetric complications and so improve the outcome.

Author Biographies

Iram Aslam, Independent University Hospital, Faisalabad.

MBBS FCPS, Associate Professor Obst & Gynae, 

Nadia Sharif, Independent Medical College, Faisalabad.

MBBS, FCPS, Associate Professor Obs & Gynae, 

Saima Qureshi, Independent University Hospital, Faisalabad.

MBBS FCPS, Professor Obst & Gynae, 

Uzma Manzoor, Independent University Hospital, Faisalabad.

MBBS FCPS, Associate Professor Obs & Gynae, 

Saadia Bano, Independent University Hospital, Faisalabad.  

MBBS, FCPS, Associate Professor Obs & Gynae, 

Uzma Shahzad, Independent University Hospital, Faisalabad.  

MBBS, FCPS, Associate Professor Obs & Gynae, 






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