Frequency of hyperuricemia and fetal outcome in preeclampsia.


  • Shazia Shaheen FMU/Allied Hospital, Faisalabad.
  • Komal Naseer FMU/Allied Hospital, Faisalabad.
  • Noor Abid Allied & DHQ Hospital, Faisalabad.
  • Fatima Abid Allied & DHQ Hospital, Faisalabad.
  • Umer Allied Hospital, Faisalabad.



Hyperuricemia, Intrauterine Death, Low Birth Weight, Pre-Elampsia, Preterm


Objective: To determine the frequency of hyperuricemia and fetal outcome in pre-eclamptic pregnant patients. Study Design: Cross-Sectional Study. Setting: Department of OBG Allied Hospital Faisalabad. Period: January 15, 2022 to January 15, 2023. Material & Methods: Total 200 preeclamptic patients were enrolled and 5c.c of blood was drawn for serum uric acid level. The normal values took 3.1-6.3 mg/dl. Fetal outcome were intrauterine death, premaurity, intrauterine growth restriction with low birth weight recorded. Results: Frequency of hyperuricemia was calculated as 42% (n=84) where normal uric acid levels were recorded in 58% (n=116). IUD in hyperuricemia was 8.33%(n=7) and 2.59%(n=3) in normal uric acid levels, p=0.06, preterm delivery in hyperuricemia was 52.38%(n=44) and 20.69%(n=24) in normal uric acid level, p=0.000, CS in 55.95%(n=47) in hyperuricemia and 22.41%(n=26) in normal uric acid levels whereas SVD was 44.05%(n=37) in hyperuricemia and 77.59%(n=90) in normal uric acid levels, p=0.000, low birth weight was recorded in 52.38%(n=44) in hyperuricemia whereas 14.66%(n=17) in normal uric acid levels, p=0.000. Conclusion: the frequency of fetal outcome is adverse in hyperuricemia in pre-eclamptic patients as compared to normal serum uric acid levels.

Author Biographies

Shazia Shaheen, FMU/Allied Hospital, Faisalabad.

MBBS, FCPS, Associate Professor OBS & Gynae, 

Komal Naseer, FMU/Allied Hospital, Faisalabad.

MBBS, Woman Medical Officer, 

Noor Abid, Allied & DHQ Hospital, Faisalabad.

MBBS, House Officer OBS & Gynae, 

Fatima Abid, Allied & DHQ Hospital, Faisalabad.

MBBS, WMO OBS & Gynae, 

Umer, Allied Hospital, Faisalabad.

MBBS, FCPS, Sneior Registrar Gynae & Obs, 






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