To assess the frequency of antibiotic use through internet and social media among people visiting Rawal Institute of Health Sciences.


  • Asma Abdul Qadeer Rawal Institute of Health Sciences.
  • Rabia Mahmood Federal Medical and Dental College.
  • Saadia Baran Federal Medical and Dental College.
  • Sara Bashir Kant Azad Jammu and Kashmir Medical College, Muzaffarabad.
  • Nida Badar Federal Medical and Dental College.
  • Bushra Liaqat Koohi Goth Women Hospital, Karachi.



Antibiotic Resistance, Antibiotic Use, Internet and Antibiotic Use, Social Media


Objective: To assess the frequency of antibiotic use through internet and social media among the people visiting Rawal institute of health sciences. To assess knowledge about antibiotics and to explore role of internet search engines and social media for accessing information regarding antibiotic use. Study Design: Cross-sectional Descriptive study. Setting: Rawal Institute of health sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan. Period: June 2019 to September 2019. Material & Methods: A was study carried to find out the role of internet and social media for use of antibiotics through a structured questionnaire from 150 people visiting RIHS. Sampling was done through non probability convenient sampling method. Response rate was 100%. Results: The data of 150 participants showed 92% have used antibiotics in their life time, of those 92% (n=138) participants, 26 %( n=39) have used them through prescription, 30% (n=45) have done self-medication, 19% (n=29) have used social media for medication. 91% think that information regarding use of antibiotics can be spread through internet and social media. Conclusion: The results conclude that social media and internet related antibiotic sales is contributing a substantial share. Majority of the participant also think that internet and social media are the best source to spread information for safe use. National guidelines should be devised for appropriate information seeking and communication interventions can be done using internet and social media.

Author Biographies

Asma Abdul Qadeer, Rawal Institute of Health Sciences.

MBBS, MPH, Assistant Professor Community Medicine, 

Rabia Mahmood, Federal Medical and Dental College.

MBBS, MSPH, Assistant Professor Community Medicine, 

Saadia Baran, Federal Medical and Dental College.

MBBS, Demonstrator Community Medicine, 

Sara Bashir Kant, Azad Jammu and Kashmir Medical College, Muzaffarabad.

MBBS, MSPH, FCPS, Assistant Professor Community Medicine, 

Nida Badar, Federal Medical and Dental College.

MBBS, MSPH, Demonstrator Community Medicine, 

Bushra Liaqat, Koohi Goth Women Hospital, Karachi.

MBBS, FCPS, Gynecologist & Obstetrician, 






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