Correlation of dry eye symptoms and young adult riders.


  • Asif Mashood Qazi Al-Tibri Medical College and Hospital Isra University Karachi Campus.
  • Arsalan Ahmed Rajput Indus Medical College Tando Muhammad Khan.
  • Azfar Ahmed Mirza LUMHS Jamshoro.
  • Israr Ahmed Bhutto Isra Post Graduate Institute of Ophthalmology Karachi.
  • Abdul Haleem Ghulam Mohammed Mahar Medical College Sukkur (GMMMC Sukkur).
  • Munawwar Hussain Al-Tibri Medical College and Hospital Isra University Karachi Campus.



Burning, Blurring, Dry Eye, Itching, Riders


Objective: To correlate the symptoms of dry eye with young adult riders. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Al-Tibri Medical College, Isra University, Karachi. Period: December 2020 to November 2021. Material & Methods: 60 young riders with dry eyes between the age of 21-30 years were included in the study and their duration of years in riding bike, duration of riding bike a day, and lastly the symptoms were recorded. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 24.0 and the correlation was assessed using Pearson’s correlation. The level of significance was set at P<0.05. Results: The mean age of the riders were 25.46 ± 0.12. 70% of the riders were riding for more than 5 years, 23.3% riders were riding for more than 2 years, while only 6.7% were riding for less than 2 years. 36.1% riders rode for >8 hours/day, 26.7% for >6 hours/day, 21.7% for >4 hours/day, and 15% for 2 hours/day. Symptoms of dryness, burning, itching, crusting, blurring, and redness all showed significant difference with the duration of years as a rider as well as the number of hours the rider rode during the day. Conclusion: Dry eye symptoms significantly correlate with young adult riders and the appropriate intervention is required to treat it accordingly.

Author Biographies

Asif Mashood Qazi, Al-Tibri Medical College and Hospital Isra University Karachi Campus.

MBBS, MS (Ophtholmology), Assistant Professor Ophthalmology, 

Arsalan Ahmed Rajput, Indus Medical College Tando Muhammad Khan.

MBBS, FCPS, Assistant Professor Ophthalmology, 

Azfar Ahmed Mirza, LUMHS Jamshoro.

MBBS, FCPS, Assistant Professor Ophthalmology, 

Israr Ahmed Bhutto, Isra Post Graduate Institute of Ophthalmology Karachi.

MBBS, FCPS, Professor Ophthalmology, 

Abdul Haleem, Ghulam Mohammed Mahar Medical College Sukkur (GMMMC Sukkur).

MBBS, FCPS, Professor, 

Munawwar Hussain, Al-Tibri Medical College and Hospital Isra University Karachi Campus.

MBBS, MS, Associate Professor Ophthalmology, 






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