Variation in hematological parameters due to tobacco cigarette smoking in healthy male individuals.


  • Nazia Siddiqui HITEC Institute of Medical Sciences, Taxila.
  • Shahida Mushtaq HITEC Institute of Medical Sciences, Taxila.
  • Sunia Ghaffar HITEC Institute of Medical Sciences, Taxila.
  • Ambreen Zafar HITEC Institute of Medical Sciences, Taxila.
  • Sabahat Rehman HIT`EC Institute of Medical Sciences, Taxila.
  • Fareeha Aleem HITEC Institute of Medical Sciences, Taxila.



Complete Blood Count, Hematological Parameters, Tobacco Cigarrete Smoking


Objective: To evaluate the changes in hematological parameters in healthy male smokers. Study Design: Descriptive Cross - Sectional study. Setting: HITEC – IMS Taxila. Period: December 2021 to May 2022. Material & Methods: Hematological Parameters including complete blood counts (WBC, RBC, Hb, MCV, MCH, MCHC, HCT, RDW, PLT), Differential Leukocyte Count, ESR and PT, APTT were done in each case. The data were entered and analyzed on SPSS version 22. Results: Mean age of smokers was 28.72 ± 6.79 years while mean age of non-smokers was 30.63 ± 6.73 years. Duration of smoking was between 4 to 28 years and number of cigarettes was between 5 to 50 / day. Among hematological parameters; WBC count, Lymphocyte count, RBC count, hemoglobin, MCV, MCH and ESR were significantly raised; while neutrophil count was significantly low in smokers as compared to non-smokers. It was also observed that values of WBC count and prothrombin time were significantly higher in individuals with a smoking history of more than 10 years. Conclusion: In conclusion, smoking has adverse effects on the various hematological parameters that have been reported to be associated with a greater risk for developing hazardous effects on health. So, we suggest that physicians should evaluate their patients at every visit and strictly recommend them early cessation of smoking so that we could prevent our young generation from future ailments.

Author Biographies

Nazia Siddiqui, HITEC Institute of Medical Sciences, Taxila.

MBBS, M.Phil (Hematology), Assistant Professor Pathology, 

Shahida Mushtaq, HITEC Institute of Medical Sciences, Taxila.

MBBS, M.Phil (Chemical Pathology), Assistant Professor Pathology, 

Sunia Ghaffar, HITEC Institute of Medical Sciences, Taxila.

MBBS, M.Phil (Hematology), Assistant Professor Pathology, 

Ambreen Zafar, HITEC Institute of Medical Sciences, Taxila.

MBBS, M.Phil (Histopathology), Assistant Professor Pathology, 

Sabahat Rehman, HIT`EC Institute of Medical Sciences, Taxila.

MBBS, M.Phil (Microbiology), Assistant Professor Pathology, 

Fareeha Aleem, HITEC Institute of Medical Sciences, Taxila.

BDS, Lecturer Pathology, 






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