Evaluation of environment through DREEM by medical students with preferred learning styles in a Private Medical College of Pakistan.


  • Syeda Hanaa Fatima National University of Medical Sciences
  • Sajida Naseem Shifa College of Medicine, Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University.
  • Syed Shoaib Hussain Shah Public Health Law Health Services Academy Islamabad.
  • Syeda Sanaa Fatima Pak International Medical College, Peshawar.




Learning, Atmosphere, Curriculum


Objective: To identify how students with the preferred learning styles rate the academic environment of the Medical College. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Shifa College of Medicine, Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University. Period: April 2022 to September 2022. Material & Methods: After taking ethical approval from the ethical review board of the institute, a two hours slot was designated in the schedule of students of five years in the private medical college. Students were given two questionnaire, Honey & Mumford LSQ and DREEM. Students were requested to leave the demographic part in order to maintain confidentiality of data. Data analysis was done and the preferred learning style of the cohort was found. DREEM questionnaires of these students were also analyzed in order to find their ratings of the environment. Results: Preferred learning style of the cohort was Reflectors (58.4%). Reflectors marked domains of DREEM as, A more Positive Approach, Moving in the right Direction, Feeling More on the Positive Side, A more Positive Atmosphere and Not too bad. Conclusion: Environment of the medical college seemed fit for the students with preferred learning style (Reflector). Further studies are indicated to rate the environment from students with other learning styles.

Author Biographies

Syeda Hanaa Fatima, National University of Medical Sciences

MBBS, MMED, PHD Scholar Assistant Professor Department of Health Professions Education 

Sajida Naseem, Shifa College of Medicine, Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University.

MBBS, MPH, Associate Professor & HOD Community Medicine,

Syed Shoaib Hussain Shah, Public Health Law Health Services Academy Islamabad.

MBBS, DMJ, M.Phil, Ph.D, DABFM, Professor Forensic Medicine, 

Syeda Sanaa Fatima, Pak International Medical College, Peshawar.

MBBS, MHPE, Assistant Professor & HOD Medical Education, 






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