Spectrum of cyanotic congenital heart disease in full term neonates attending paediatric cardiology clinic of a Tertiary Cardiac Care Centre.


  • Motia Javed Faisalabad Institute of Cardiology, Faisalabad.
  • Abdul Razzaq Mughal Faisalabad Institute of Cardiology, Faisalabad.
  • Imtiaz Ahmad Faisalabad Institute of Cardiology, Faisalabad.
  • Zaigham Rasool Khalid Faisalabad Institute of Cardiology, Faisalabad.
  • Usman Zia Faisalabad Institute of Cardiology, Faisalabad.




Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease, Neonate, Tetralogy of Fallot


Objective: To determine the spectrum of cyanotic congenital heart disease (CCHD) in full term neonates attending paediatric cardiology clinic of a tertiary cardiac care centre. Study Design: Descriptive Cross-sectional study. Setting: Department of Paediatric Cardiology, Faisalabad Institute of Cardiology (FIC), Faisalabad. Period: January 2021 to June 2021. Material & Methods: All full term newborn of any gender with age range from day one to twenty eight days, presenting in emergency or out patient department of the institute and diagnosed as a case of CCHD at Faisalabad Institute of Cardiology on the basis of echocardiography were included in the study.The leading or main anatomical diagnosis of hemodynamically significance was adopted. The spectrum of CCHD was assessed by descriptive analysis. Results: A total of 87 patients were enrolled. Mean age was 15.7±7.98 days. There were 55.2% (n=48) male and 44.8% female (n=39) patients. Majority of patients (62.1%) presented as an emergency. Most CCHDs were of decreased pulmonary blood flow (69%, n=60). Tetralogy of Fallot was the most common CCHD seen in 25.3% neonates (n=22) followed by Transposition of great arteries (23%, n=20) and pulmonary atresia (18.4%, n=16). Ebstein anomaly of tricuspid valve was the least common CCHD (2.3%). Conclusion: Tetralogy of Fallot is the most common cyanotic congenital heart disease followed by TGA while Ebstein anomaly is the least common.

Author Biographies

Motia Javed, Faisalabad Institute of Cardiology, Faisalabad.

FCPS (Paediatric Medicine), Fellow Paediatric Cardiology, 

Abdul Razzaq Mughal, Faisalabad Institute of Cardiology, Faisalabad.

FCPS (Paediatric Medicine & Paediatric Cardiology), Associate Professor Paediatric Cardiology,

Imtiaz Ahmad, Faisalabad Institute of Cardiology, Faisalabad.

FCPS (Paediatric Medicine & Paediatric Cardiology), Assistant Professor Paediatric Cardiology,

Zaigham Rasool Khalid, Faisalabad Institute of Cardiology, Faisalabad.

FCPS (Surgery), FCPS (Cardiac Surgery), Assistant Professor Paediatric Cardiac Surgery,

Usman Zia, Faisalabad Institute of Cardiology, Faisalabad.

FCPS (Paediatric Medicine), Fellow Paediatric Cardiology, 






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