Online mentoring session during COVID-19: Experiences of mentees and mentors -A phenomenology.


  • Khadija Farrukh BUMDC-Karachi.
  • Talea Hoor BUMDC-Karachi.



Online Mentoring, Medical Students, (COVID-19) Pandemic


Objective: To explore perceptions and experiences of undergraduate medical mentees and mentors on online mentoring sessions during COVID-19. Study Design: Qualitative study. Setting: A Private Medical College in Karachi, Pakistan. Period: January 2021-May 2021. Material & Methods: A qualitative study was designed using phenomenological approach and constructivist and relativist paradigms. Maximum variation purposeful sampling technique was chosen to involve variety of participants from given population. Unstructured individual interviews and four focus group discussions were done in first and second year medical students of a private Medical College Karachi. Content analysis was done for analysis of collected data. Results: Most mentors supported online mentoring. However the mentees opinion was different from mentors as most of them were not in favor of online mentoring sessions. Some mentees praised blended education since it removed some of the traditional teaching barriers. Mentors have common experience that face-to-face mentoring allows them to inspire mentees and have expressive and meaningful connections with them. Conclusion: Face-to face mentoring provides better opportunities to connect during mentoring sessions however blended, online and on campus mentoring sessions can be provided in emergency situations as COVID-19 crisis.

Author Biographies

Khadija Farrukh, BUMDC-Karachi.

Master in Medical Education, Lecturer Medical Education, 

Talea Hoor, BUMDC-Karachi.

M.Phil, Professor Pharmacology/ Medical Education, 






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