Role of accuracy of data in the functionality of primary health care system of Pakistan: A comparative study.


  • Umme Kulsoom Khattak Shifa College of Medicine, Shifa Tameer e Millat University, Islamabad.
  • Obed ur Rahim Osmani Ministry of National Health Services Regulation & Coordination. Islamabad.
  • Hania Ahmer Shifa Tameer e Millat University, Islamabad.
  • Musarat Jabin Khyber Medical University, Institute of Medical Sciences KMU-IMS.



Accuracy, Health Management Information System, Primary Health Care, Quality Data


Objective: To evaluate the Quality and accuracy of existing Data, to know about the current situation of Infrastructure and Functionality of PHC, and to assess the DHIS Operational Needs. Study Design: Mixed Method Retrospective Descriptive study. Setting: Seven Tehsils of Rawalpindi District. Period: January to February 2020. Material & Methods: One BHU was randomly selected from each Tehsil to cover all geographical areas. Data was collected using questions derived from the Procedures Manual of DHIS and comparing with the monthly DHIS reports of PHC facilities. Data was analysed after entering into SPSS software (V-22). Results: The 57 % of the facilities’ in-charges (4 out of 7) had DHIS training, while the remaining 43% were observed as either not trained or self-trained. The overall accuracy rate in DHIS was 71.43% but variance was observed in different variables. Conclusion: The current situation of DHIS demands initiative for additional collaborations among multiple vertical health programs. Some promising interventions in government policies, including skilled support programs and training of DHIS teams through regular sessions and workshops are highly recommended.

Author Biographies

Umme Kulsoom Khattak, Shifa College of Medicine, Shifa Tameer e Millat University, Islamabad.

MBBS, MCPS, MPH, Assistant Professor Department of Community Health Sciences, 

Obed ur Rahim Osmani, Ministry of National Health Services Regulation & Coordination. Islamabad.

MBBS, MPH, Ex Deputy Director M&E, NHIRC, 

Hania Ahmer, Shifa Tameer e Millat University, Islamabad.

Final Year MBBS, Shifa College of Medicine, 

Musarat Jabin, Khyber Medical University, Institute of Medical Sciences KMU-IMS.

MBBS, FCPS, Professor Obs & Gynae, 






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