Septoplasty: Comparison of adrenaline with normal saline as submucoperichondrial infiltration solution.
Adrenaline, Mucoperichondrial Injury, Normal Saline, Septoplasty, Submucoperichondrial InfiltrationAbstract
Objective: To see the effects of submucoperichondrial infiltration of different solutions in terms of mucoperichondrial injuries on flap elevation, convenience of finding the correct surgical plane and duration of surgery. Study Design: Cross Sectional study. Setting: Faisalabad Medical University and Affiliated Institutions. Period: February 2020 to August 2020. Material & Methods: Sixty patients in total were selected by Random sampling. To assess difference in terms of mucoperichondrial injuries on flap elevation, convenience of finding the correct surgical plane and duration of surgery after institution of submucoperichondrial infiltration of 1:80000 adrenaline in one group of patients and normal saline in other group of patients. Results: Patients results showed statistical significant difference in the two groups in terms of duration of surgery and convenience of finding the correct surgical plane. Conclusion: Adrenaline alone in concentration of 1:80000 is far more superior then 0.9% normal saline as submucoperichondrial infiltration option.
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