The leucocyte profile in controlled and uncontrolled diabetes.
Diabetes, Leucocyte, Lymphocyte, NeutrophilAbstract
Objective: To compare the white blood cell profile in controlled and uncontrolled diabetes. Study Design: Cross Sectional. Setting: Creek General Hospital, Karachi. Period: June to December 2021. Material & Methods: Conducted on 156 diabetic patients selected by convenient sampling technique. Inclusion Criteria was Type 2 diabetic adults. Exclusion Criteria is patients with other chronic diagnosed diseases, Type 1 Diabetes, age less than 30 years and recently diagnosed diabetes. Patients were divided in two groups according to glycemic control criteria: controlled diabetes was HbA1c less than 7.5% or RBS < 180mg/dl or FBS 70-100mg/dl in last two weeks and vice versa for uncontrolled diabetes. WBC parameters included total leukocyte count (TLC), Neutrophil, Lymphocyte, Eosinophil, Basophil and Monocyte differential. Results: Among the 156 patients, the leucocyte count was increased in 41(26%), normal in 109 (70%) and decreased in 6(3%). The neutrophils was raised in 62(39.7%), normal in 85(54.4%) and decreased in 9(5.7%). In controlled group the mean TLC value is 9047/L, mean neutrophil is 70.26%, mean lymphocyte is 26.96%, mean monocyte is 2.01%. In uncontrolled group the mean TLC value is 9270.5/L, neutrophil value is 69.7%, lymphocyte value is 26.4%, monocyte value is 1.82%. In both the controlled and uncontrolled groups: one fourth of the patients had increased TLC, more than one third of patients had raised neutrophils, and a significant percentage had decreased lymphocyte and monocytes. In uncontrolled group percentage of patients with raised TLC was equally high in both the genders and also higher in the elderly age group. In controlled group it was raised more in females and middle age group. In uncontrolled group the neutrophils was raised more in males and equally in both the genders in controlled group. In both the groups the neutrophils were higher in the elderly age bracket. In uncontrolled group the percentage of raised lymphocyte was higher in female while in the controlled group it was higher in males. In both the groups a significant percentage of elderly had decreased lymphocyte count. Monocyte count in the controlled group was decreased equally in both genders and in the middle age group. In uncontrolled group females, middle and elderly group had decreased monocyte count. Conclusion: There was a higher percentage of diabetics with elevated leucocyte and neutrophil count but a decreased lymphocyte and monocyte count in uncontrolled diabetes compared to controlled diabetes.
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