Career trends & influences on medical career choice among female medical students


  • Sayyam Fatima Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi.
  • Hafiz Abu Safian Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi.
  • Syed Waqas Hassan Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi.
  • Jahangir Sarwar Khan Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi.
  • Noshaba Akram Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi.
  • Hafiz Muhammad Sanaullah Rawalpindi Medical University, Rawalpindi.
  • Bushra Shabana Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi.
  • Sumaira Nawaz Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi.
  • Gohar Rasheed Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi.
  • Usman Qureshi Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi.
  • Abeera Zareen Benazir Bhutto Hospital.



Career choice, Female medical students, Post graduate trainee, House job, Medical profession


Objective: To determine the factors that influence the future career choice among female medical students of Rawalpindi Medical University (RMU). Study Design: Descriptive Cross Sectional study. Setting: Rawalpindi Medical University, Rawalpindi. Period: 1st July 2021 to 31st August 2021. Material & Methods: Female students of 3rd, 4th and final year MBBS were included. Students were asked to complete a pre-designed questionnaire, which included demographic details and parameters such as, marital status, plan to have children in future, house job and post graduation preferances. Results: Four hundred fifty three students were included in this study. 69.8% students were neither married nor engaged. 32.5% had no intention of extending their family in next 5 years. Majority of the students (73.1%) chose medical profession on their own wish. About 96.2% females were planning to do house job. Out of these, 97.5% had already planned to pursue their post graduation. A quarter of medical students planned to pursue postgraduate training as well as family progression in the next 5 years (66.7% vs 25.7%). Current marital status, family extension in next 5 years, and reasons for adopting medical profession were found to be statistically significant, when compared to future career progression. (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Female medical students in pakistan are becoming more career oriented and taking decisions independently.

Author Biographies

Sayyam Fatima, Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi.

MBBS, Postgraduate Trainee Surgical Unit-I, 

Hafiz Abu Safian, Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi.

MBBS, House Officer Nephrology, 

Syed Waqas Hassan, Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi.

MBBS, FCPS, MRCPS, Senior Registrar Surgical Unit-I, 

Jahangir Sarwar Khan, Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi.

MBBS, FCPS, FRCS, FACS, FICS, Dip M. Ed, Professor & Head Surgical Unit-I,  

Noshaba Akram, Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi.

MBBS, Postgraduate Trainee Surgical Unit-I, 

Hafiz Muhammad Sanaullah, Rawalpindi Medical University, Rawalpindi.

Final Year MBBS Student, 

Bushra Shabana, Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi.

MBBS, Postgraduate Trainee Surgical Unit-I, 

Sumaira Nawaz, Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi.

MBBS, Postgraduate Trainee Surgical Unit-I, 

Gohar Rasheed, Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi.

MBBS, FCPS, Assistant Professor Surgical Unit-I, 

Usman Qureshi, Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi.

MBBS, FCPS, Associate Professor Surgical Unit-I, 

Abeera Zareen, Benazir Bhutto Hospital.

MBBS, FCPS, MSc (Pain Medicine), Assistant Professor Anesthesiology, 






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