Versatility and reliability of reverse posterior interosseous artery flap for coverage of soft tissue defects of hand and wrist.


  • Shahan Saleem Jinnah Burn & Reconstructive Surgery Center Lahore.
  • Imaan Tahir Jinnah Hospital Lahore.
  • Bushra Akram Jinnah Burn & Reconstructive Surgery Center Lahore.



Defects of Hand, Reverse PIA Flap, Reconstruction


Objective: To evaluate reverse PIA flap in reconstruction of various types of soft tissue defects of the hand in terms of reliability, flap survival, total duration of hospital stay, patient’s satisfaction and duration of return to work Study Design: Case Series study. Setting: Jinnah Burn and Reconstructive Surgery Center, Lahore. Period: January 2018 to July 2020. Material & Methods: Twenty three posterior interosseous artery flaps were used for coverage in patients who had soft tissue defects over hand dorsum, wrist and first web space. Both sexes were included with age group ranging between 15 to 60 years. Results: Twenty two flaps, out of total 23 survived completely. In one patient, there was partial flap necrosis for which skin grafting was done. Donor sites were successfully covered with skin grafts. All patients went on to resume their work within a month or two and were quite satisfied with aesthetic outcome. Conclusion: A well planned reverse PIA flap is not only a safe, versatile and reliable option for coverage of hand defects but also entire has the benefit of a shorter hospital stay, allowing early return of patient to work and superior aesthetic outcome.

Author Biographies

Shahan Saleem, Jinnah Burn & Reconstructive Surgery Center Lahore.

MBBS, Post Graduate Resident Plastic Surgery, 

Imaan Tahir, Jinnah Hospital Lahore.

MBBS, Medical Officer, 

Bushra Akram, Jinnah Burn & Reconstructive Surgery Center Lahore.

FCPS, Senior Registrar Plastic Surgery, 






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