Variations of facial nerve distribution in the parotid gland.


  • Hina Jabeen (Dr. Ishrat ul Ebad Khan Institute of Oral Health Sciences) Dow University of Health Sciences (Ojha Campus).
  • Farukh Mustafa Memon Dow University of Health Sciences (Ojha Campus)
  • Hira Ahmed Karachi Medical and Dental College, Karachi.
  • Zaheer Amjad Dow University of Health Sciences (Ojha Campus)
  • Uzma Nusrat Dow university of Health Sciences (Ojha Campus)
  • Maria Khan (Dr. Ishrat ul Ebad Khan Institute of Oral Health Sciences) Dow University of Health Sciences (Ojha Campus).



Facial Nerve, Nerve Injury, Parotid Gland, Parotid Gland Tumors


Objective: To study anatomical variations of facial nerve encountered during parotid gland surgery. Study Design: Observational Study. Setting: Anatomy Department with the Collaboration of General Surgery Department at Dow University of Health Sciences and Dow Hospital (Ojha Campus Karachi). Period: December 2020 to May 2021. Material & Methods: Dissection of parotid gland was done in 50 cases including 10 cadavers (20 parotid glands) in anatomy department and 40 patients (40 parotid glands) admitted in general surgery ward undergoing parotid gland surgery for any pathology of the gland. Total 60 parotid glands were studied. Mean age of the cases was 31.6 ± 2.14 years with age range of 20-60 years. There were 10 female and 40 male cases. Results: In this study 60 parotid glands were dissected in 50 cases and facial nerve configuration was studied. In 46(92%) cases facial nerve pattern could be classified into main five types of the nerve pattern but in 04(08%) cases facial nerve pattern did not fit into any category of the classification. Type-III pattern of facial nerve distribution was commonly seen in 21(35%) glands. Conclusion: It is very important to keep knowledge of anatomical variations in facial nerve branching pattern in parotid gland to avoid its Injury during surgery.

Author Biographies

Hina Jabeen, (Dr. Ishrat ul Ebad Khan Institute of Oral Health Sciences) Dow University of Health Sciences (Ojha Campus).

MBBS, M.Phil (Anatom), Lecturer Anatomy, 

Farukh Mustafa Memon, Dow University of Health Sciences (Ojha Campus)

MBBS, M.Phil (Anatom), Professor and HOD Anatomy, 

Hira Ahmed, Karachi Medical and Dental College, Karachi.

MBBS, M.Phil (Anatom), Assistant Professor Anatomy, 

Zaheer Amjad, Dow University of Health Sciences (Ojha Campus)

MBBS, Ph.D, Assistant Professor Anatomy, 

Uzma Nusrat, Dow university of Health Sciences (Ojha Campus)

MBBS, FCPS, Assistant Professor Gynecology, 

Maria Khan, (Dr. Ishrat ul Ebad Khan Institute of Oral Health Sciences) Dow University of Health Sciences (Ojha Campus).

MBBS, M.Phil (Anatomy) Assistant Professor Anatomy, 






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