Correlation of age and gender with red cell indices in Anemic patients (A hospital based study).


  • Hamzullah Khan Nowshera Medical College, Nowshera.
  • Fareedullah Shah MTI Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar.
  • Hameeda Qureshi Northwest School of Medicine Peshawar.
  • Sobia Bashir Qazi Hussain Ahmed Medical Complex Nowshera.
  • Khalid Khan Nowshera Medical College, Nowshera.



Age and Gender Effects, Correlation Statistics, Red Cell Indices


Objectives: To determine the correlation of red cell indices with age and gender in a hospital based study. Study Design: Cross Sectional study. Setting: Department of Pathology, Qazi Hussain Ahmed Medical Complex Nowshera. Period: 1st June 2019 to 10th December 2019. Material & Methods: A Total of 298 smears were studied. Descriptive statistics for numerical variables and Pearson & Spearman correlation tests were used. Results: The Mean with Standard Deviation of age was (27years+ 16.8), Hb% (11+ 2.6 g/dl), HCT (36.06%+ 10.3), MCV (84 fl + 12.4), MCH (27.7 pg + 3.7), MCHC (32 g/dl + 2.06) and RDW (42.89 fl + 5.6). The distribution of all red cell indices was the same across the categories of gender groups (p>0.05). Age as a variable has an inverse statistically significant relation with HCT, MCH, MCV and RDW (p=0.001) but it does not have any significant affect on Hb% & MCHC. Hemoglobin had a mild to moderate positive correlation with other indices like MCV, MCH, MCHC, HCT (p=0.001, r=0.2 to 0.4), while it has no statistically significant relation with RDW, Age. HCT has positive correlation with Hb%, MCH and MCHC (p=0.001) and a negative correlation with MCV, RDW and Age (p=0.001). Conclusion: Gender has no significant association with red cell indices, However an increase in age has an inverse correlation with HCT, MCH, MCV and RDW.

Author Biographies

Hamzullah Khan, Nowshera Medical College, Nowshera.

MBBS, DCH, MPH, M.Phil, Professor of Hematology, 

Fareedullah Shah, MTI Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar.

MBBS, FCPS, Assistant Professor Pediatrics, 

Hameeda Qureshi, Northwest School of Medicine Peshawar.

MBBS, FCPS, Associate Professor Hematology, 

Sobia Bashir, Qazi Hussain Ahmed Medical Complex Nowshera.

MBBS, M.Phil, Medical Officer 

Khalid Khan, Nowshera Medical College, Nowshera.

MBBS, FCPS, Associate Professor Paediatrics, 






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