Prevalence of burn out in clinical residents and its contributing factors – A cross sectional survey.


  • Umar Bashir Shifa College of Medicine. Islamabad.
  • Afsheen Zafar Islamic International Medical College. Rawalpindi.



Burnout, Career, Occupational Burnout, Professional Burnout, Resident Burnout


Objective: To identify the prevalence, contributing factors and coping mechanisms for burnout in clinical residents of a tertiary care centre. Study Design: Cross Sectional Survey. Setting: Islamic International Medical College, Railway Hospital, Rawalpindi. Period: April 2019 to August 2020. Material & Methods: A survey questionnaire consisting of the abbreviated Maslach burnout inventory along with questions on contributing factors and coping mechanisms for burnout was distributed among clinical residents at Pakistan Railway Hospital, Rawalpindi. Data was collected and analyzed using SPSS. Burnout score was calculated for each resident along with the subscale analysis. Chi square was used to identify significant contributing factors to the burnout (P ≤ 0.05). Percentages were calculated for the coping mechanisms used by the residents. Results: Seventy seven residents participated in the survey. Mean Maslach score was 31.79, SD=7.22 for the whole group. 47(61%) residents were categorized as having significant burnout. No risk factor was found to be associated significantly with burnout (p-value ≤ 0.05). Work hours (Mean=2.43, SD=1.56), working conditions (Mean=2.82, SD=1.62) and senior consultant bullying (Mean=2.98, SD=1.96) were considered to be the most important factors contributing to the burnout. The main coping mechanisms identified were staying optimistic (58%), sleeping more (49.4%) and spending time with family (49.4%). Only 5.2% residents had any departmental support. Conclusion: Burn out is commonly present in clinical residents. No significant association with specific factors contributing to burnout was found however residents rate work hours, working conditions and senior consultant bullying as contributing the most.

Author Biographies

Umar Bashir, Shifa College of Medicine. Islamabad.

FCPS (General Surgery), Senior Registrar Surgery, 

Afsheen Zafar, Islamic International Medical College. Rawalpindi.

FCPS (General Surgery), Professor Surgery, 






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