Assessment of clinico-pathological and radiological features of oral squamous cell carcinoma cases from CMH Kharian Pakistan.


  • Salahuddin Balooch CMH Kharian Medical College, Kharian.
  • Waqas Iqbal Isra Dental College, Isra University Hyderabad Sindh.
  • Abdul Majid ISRA University, Hyderabad.
  • Arsalan Ahmed Avicenna Medical & Dental College Lahore.
  • Abid Hussain Chang LUMHS Jamshoro.
  • Jaweria Yousfani Bhitai Dental and Medical College, Mirpurkhas.



Grades of OSCC, Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Stages of OSCC, Tobacco


Objectives: To assess role of clinico-demographic, histopathological staging and radiological evaluations timely diagnosis of oral squamous cell carcinomas. Study Design: Cross Sectional Descriptive Study. Setting: Out Patient Department (OPD), Combined Military Hospital Kharian, Gujrat Pakistan. Period: July 2019 to June 2020. Material & Methods: The demographics of patients were recorded. CAP protocol from the biopsy and CT scan reports were used to interpret stage and grade of oral cancer. The data was analyzed by using SPSS 16. The variables were presented through frequencies and percentages. Results: In current study 47 cases of oral squamous cell carcinomas including 30(63.83%) males and 17(36.17%) females were included. The mean age of the patients was 49.2 years ± 3.2 SD. Upon clinico-pathological evaluations, we found that, about 21 (44.68%) cases of OSCCs were affecting buccal mucosa, 8 cases (17%) tongue, 14% retro molar and 4% lip carcinomas respectively. Upon radiological staging 34% cases were from stage I and Stage II OSCCs. Whereas only 23% and 8% cases from belonging from stage III and Stage IV. Conclusion: Current study concludes that, clinical evaluation of OSCCs in parallel with radiological and histopathological evaluations is the key strategy to achieve precise diagnosis of OSCCs on time.

Author Biographies

Salahuddin Balooch, CMH Kharian Medical College, Kharian.

MBBS, FCPS, Associate Professor Radiology, 

Waqas Iqbal, Isra Dental College, Isra University Hyderabad Sindh.

BDS, MDS (Oral Pathology), Associate Professor Oral Pathology, 

Abdul Majid, ISRA University, Hyderabad.

M.Phil (Histopathology), Associate Professor Pathology, 

Arsalan Ahmed, Avicenna Medical & Dental College Lahore.

MSc (Periodontics), Assistant Professor and HOD Periodontics, 

Abid Hussain Chang, LUMHS Jamshoro.

MBBS, M.Phil, Professor Pathology, 

Jaweria Yousfani, Bhitai Dental and Medical College, Mirpurkhas.

MSc (Dental Material), Assistant Professor & Head Science of Dental Materials, 






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