Lipid profile in newly diagnosed patients of acute myocardial infarction with no other concomitant disease, in tertiary care hospital, Peshawar.


  • Zain ul Abideen Institute of Medical Sciences, Kohat.
  • Najmush Shakireen PGMI, Peshawar.
  • Rabeea Ihtesham HMC
  • Afia Ihtesham PMC.
  • Farzana Salman Peshawar Medical College.



Acute Myocardial Infarction, Lipid Profile


Objective: To see lipid profile in patients of AMI having no other concomitant disease. Study Design: Cross Sectional study. Setting: Coronary Care Unit, Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar. Period: July 2016 to January 2017. Material & Methods: One hundred newly diagnosed cases of AMI, admitted in coronary care unit, Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar as emergency and 100 normal subjects were included in the study. Sampling technique was Convenient sampling. Lipid profile was measured by using Cobas Chemistry analyzer, Roche, in Pathology Department, LRH, Peshawar. Results were analyzed by independent t-test. Results: There were 100 patients and 100 normal individuals included by consecutive sampling in the study. Out of 100 patients 85 (85%) were male and 15 (15%) were female. Age ranged from 26-80 years (50.87 ± 11.02). It was observed that 82% of the AMI patients had cholesterol levels less than 200mg/dl while LDL was less than 100mg/dl in all of the patients. However, HDL which is protective lipoprotein was found to be less than 40mg/dl. It was also observed that 82% of the patients had normal Blood Pressure whereas only 18% had high blood pressure. The working conditions of most of the patients (85%) were sedentary. Conclusion: In majority of the cases, blood pressure was normal. However HDL-C was less than 40 mg/dl in cases which is alarming. Besides, Sedentary Life style was found to be the major factor contributing to AMI.

Author Biographies

Zain ul Abideen, Institute of Medical Sciences, Kohat.

MBBS, M.Phil, (Physiology), Associate Professor Physiology, 

Najmush Shakireen, PGMI, Peshawar.


Rabeea Ihtesham, HMC


Afia Ihtesham, PMC.

MBBS, Lecturer, 

Farzana Salman, Peshawar Medical College.

MBBS, M.Phil, Professor Physiology, 






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