The sleep problems diagnosed among children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD).


  • Sehar Ashraf The University of Lahore.     
  • Taimoor Hassan The University of Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Sana Saeed The University of Lahore.
  • Sidra Siddique School of Allied Health Sciences, Children Hospital Lahore.
  • Amina Tahir The University of Lahore.
  • Zahid Hussain Sharif Hospital Lahore.



Autism, Autistic Child, Autistic Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Childhood, Sleep Disorders


Objective: To find the sleep problems in children who are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder between the age ranges from 3 to 12 years. Study Design: Cross-sectional Observational study. Setting: Department of the Developmental Pediatrics Children Hospital Lahore and Department of Occupational Therapy, Rising Sun, Lahore. Period: February 2017 to November 2017. Material & Methods: This study included 300 children who were diagnosed with ASD having sleep problems between ages 3-12 years. All other children were excluded. Data was collected by using Albany sleep problem scale. The sample size was determined by utilizing WHO Software for test size assurance in wellbeing considers. Results: Results demonstrated that majority of the kids presented with different sleep disorders such as (83%) of the children took a lot of time to sleep. Moreover, (43.2%) of the children depicted continuous awakening during night time. (63.4%) of the kids faced Respiratory problems. (53%) children showed restlessness during sleep. Furthermore, (83.3%) of the children remained consciousness during sleep. Conclusion: Study concluded that most habitually sleep issues in ASD kids are nodding off, fretful rest, not falling stay in own bed, take an hour to sleep, kicking legs and successive enlightenments. Less commonly sleep problems were sleep strolling, sleep talking, and resistance to go in bed, excessive sleep-in day screams uproariously.

Author Biographies

Sehar Ashraf, The University of Lahore.     

BSc (Hons), MS (Scholar), Occupational Therapist, 

Taimoor Hassan, The University of Lahore, Pakistan.

BSc (Hons), Masters of Pharmacy (Scholar), School of Pharmacy & School of Medicine, Changzhou University, Jiangsu, China. Department of Health Professional Technologies, 

Sana Saeed, The University of Lahore.

BSc (Hons), School of Allied Health Sciences, Children Hospital Lahore. Lecturer, Department of Health Professional Technologies, 

Sidra Siddique, School of Allied Health Sciences, Children Hospital Lahore.

BSc (Hons), (Gold Medalist), 

Amina Tahir, The University of Lahore.

B.Sc, (Hons), Occupational Therapist, 

Zahid Hussain, Sharif Hospital Lahore.

MBBS, FRCS, FCPS, Director, 






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