Comparison between findings of gallium-68 Dota PET-CT and contrast enhanced CT scan in neuroendocrine tumors.


  • Sheikh Danial Hanan (FMH & RLMC) University of Lahore, Lahore Pakistan.
  • Sajid Shaheen Malik UOL University of Lahore, Lahore Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Numair Younis Inmol Hospital Lahore Pakistan.
  • Syed Amir Gillani University of Lahore, Lahore Pakistan.
  • Syed Muhammad Yousaf Farooq University of Lahore, Lahore Pakistan.
  • Abubaker Shahid Inmol Cancer Hospital Lahore.





Objective: To compare the efficiency of contrast enhanced CT-SCAN and Gallium 68-DOTA PET CT for the detection of neuroendocrine lesions. Study Design: Cross Sectional and Analytical study. Setting: INMOL (Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Oncology Lahore). Period: February 2020 to December 2020. Material & Methods: Total of 70 patients between 18-68 year of age coming to Nuclear Medicine department of INMOL (Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Oncology Lahore) were included in the study convenient sampling technique were used to collect the data. Results: 70 patients were selected who had malignant type of tumor (mass forming or metastatic) patients, 29(41%) were diagnosed with Pancreatic Tumors, 12 (17%) were diagnosed with Metastatic Tumors, 10 (14%) were diagnosed with Mesenteric Tumors, 7 (10%) were diagnosed with Renal Tumors, 7 (10 %) were diagnosed with Liver Tumors, 3 (4%) were diagnosed with Thyroid Tumors, 1(1.4 %) was Breast Tumor and 1(1.4%) was mediastinal Tumor. In CT-Scan out of 70 patients 42(60%) patients were diagnosed with tumor while 28(40%) patients were normal, meanwhile in PET CT, out of 70 patients 55(79%) patients were diagnosed with tumor while 15(21%) patients were normal. Out of 70 patients PET CT was able to identify all 55/55 tumor patients correctly while CT visualized 42 patients correctly but omitting I 3 patients, causing false negative diagnosis. PET CT has sensitivity and Specificity of 100% & 99.9% respectively whereas CT had sensitivity & Specificity of 76.8 % and 51.8% respectively. Conclusion: In contrast with international studies PET CT have better diagnostic finding for evaluation and follow up of Neuroendocrine tumors as compared to contrast enhanced CT Scan. We can say PET CT is a good and better modality other then any contrast enhanced modality like contrast enhanced CT scan for the evaluation of neuroendocrine tumors.

Author Biographies

Sheikh Danial Hanan, (FMH & RLMC) University of Lahore, Lahore Pakistan.

B.Sc (Hons), MIT, Senior Demonstrator, 

Sajid Shaheen Malik, UOL University of Lahore, Lahore Pakistan.

MBBS, DMRD, UIRSMIT, Associate Professor, 

Muhammad Numair Younis, Inmol Hospital Lahore Pakistan.

MBBS, MS (Nuclear Medicine) FEBNM, FRCPE, Consultant Nuclear Medicine, 

Syed Amir Gillani, University of Lahore, Lahore Pakistan.

MBBS, DMRD, MPH, Dean & HOD Allied Health Sciences, 

Syed Muhammad Yousaf Farooq, University of Lahore, Lahore Pakistan.

MPhil USG, Ph.D, Scholar Allied Health Sciences, 

Abubaker Shahid, Inmol Cancer Hospital Lahore.

MBBS, DMRT, Ph.D, Director, 






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