Community acceptability of contraception after induced versus spontaneous miscarriage.


  • Zainab Maqsood PIMS Islamabad.
  • Majida Zafar PIMS Islamabad.
  • Syeda Batool Mazha PIMS Islamabad.
  • Khawar Sultan PIMS Islamabad.



Induced Miscarriage, Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC), Spontaneous Miscarriage


Objective: To study the relationship between history of miscarriage (induced or spontaneous) and current use of modern contraceptive method among women in Pakistan. Study Design: Cross Sectional study. Setting: OPD of MCH, PIMS. Period: July 2019 to December 2019. Material & Methods: A total of 80 married women were enrolled, 40 women who had induced miscarriage (group A) and 40 from spontaneous miscarriage (group B). Data is obtained on predesigned questionnaire. Primary outcome was acceptance of contraception (LARC) after induced versus spontaneous miscarriage. Results: About 51% of women were in the age group of 30–35 years and out of total 80 women, 67 (83%) women had parity of three or above (27 % had parity of three). Out of 66 women who used contraception, 35 (53%) had induced miscarriage (group A) and 31 (46%) had spontaneous miscarriage (group B). Women who belonged to induced miscarriage (group A) faced menstrual irregularity, as the reason of leaving contraception, followed by chronic PID and husband opposition. While in the group B, fertility desire was main reason of discontinuation of contraception. In Group A, 20 (50%) women were willing to use LARC (long acting reversible contraception) after induced abortion to reduce the chances of unwanted pregnancy while in other group B, 15 (37.5%) women were wanted to use LARC and 18 (45%) women were not ready to use contraception due to fertility. Conclusion: High rate of induced abortion due to failed contraception and dis-continuation of contraceptives needs to be addressed by encouraging women to manage the side effects to ensure continuity of contraceptives.

Author Biographies

Zainab Maqsood, PIMS Islamabad.


Postgraduate Resident Gynecology and Obstetrics

Majida Zafar, PIMS Islamabad.


Assistant Professor Gynecology and Obstetrics


Syeda Batool Mazha, PIMS Islamabad.

MBBS, FCPS, Head of department Gynae/Ons 

Khawar Sultan, PIMS Islamabad.


Postgraduate Resident Nephrology







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