Neonatal outcome
APGAR scoreAbstract
The Presence of meconium in amniotic fluid is a risk factor for intrapartum hypoxia. It had been considered as an indicator
of poor neonatal outcome. Objective: To determine neonatal outcome in meconium stained liquor. Design: Descriptive Study. Setting:
Department of Gynae and Obstetrics, Fatima Memorial Hospital, Lahore. Period: 06 months from 21-01-2009 to 20-07-2009. Subjects
and Methods: The patients with meconium stained liquor were assessed by per speculum examination and were followed till the time of
delivery. Neonatal outcome was assessed by APGAR scores at 1 minute, vocal cord staining, admission to ICU Nursery, perinatal death,
need of resuscitation and total stay in ICU Nursery. Results and Conclusion: During the study period, 140 patients were included in study.
Among these, 97 babies had APGAR score < 5 at 1 minute, 102 babies had staining of vocal cord while 119 babies were admitted to ICU
Nursery. Incidence of perinatal death was 8.6%. Conclusions: Meconium stained liquor is associated with poor neonatal outcome.