Comparison of letrozole and clomiphene citrate efficacy in terms of ovulation induction and pregnancy rate.


  • Nadia Sharif Independent Medical College, Faisalabad.
  • Uzma Manzoor Independent Medical College, Faisalabad.
  • Saadia Bano Independent Medical College, Faisalabad.
  • Uzma Shahzaad Independent Medical College, Faisalabad.



Clomiphene Citrate, Endometrial Thickness, Letrozole, Ovulation Induction


Objective: To compare the efficacy of Letrozole and clomiphene citrate in Patients of Anovulation polycystic ovarian syndrome with Infertility. Study Design: Randomized Controlled Trial Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Independent Medical College Faisalabad. Period: 30-09-2019 to 29-6-2020. Material & Methods: This study included 100 patients with 50 patients in each group. Group A received 2.5 to 5mg letrozole in each cycle from day 3 to 7. Group B received clomiphene citrate 50 to 100 mg incremental dose depending on ovarian response. Both Drugs were given for consecutive 3 to 6 cycles to see response. Main outcome Measure included optimal follicle size (> 18mm), endometrial thickness, and pregnancy rate. Epidemiological data and efficacy outcome measures were recorded on a Performa. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS version 13. Chi-square test applied and p-value <o.o5 was considered significant. Both group included primary infertility patients. Results: The mean age of patients was 28.03+ 3.02 years. Mean age of group A patients was 29.04+3.44 and 28.47+3.90 group B patients. Mono ovulation in group A patients (88.9%) and 27 in group b patients (60.0%). The mean endometrial thickness was 9.6mm + 1.6 in letrozole group and 6.9mm + 1.2 in clomiphene citrate group A. In group A 18% got pregnant from Letrozole group and 1.1% from the group B. Conclusion: Efficacy was significantly higher in group A Patients received letrozole as compared to patients echo received clomiphene citrate. The effects of Letrozole showed better outcome in terms of Ovulation Induction Endometrial Thickness and Pregnancy rate.

Author Biographies

Nadia Sharif, Independent Medical College, Faisalabad.


Associate Professor Obst & Gynae

Uzma Manzoor, Independent Medical College, Faisalabad.


Assistant Professor Obst & Gynae

Saadia Bano, Independent Medical College, Faisalabad.


Associate Professor Obst & Gynae

Uzma Shahzaad, Independent Medical College, Faisalabad.


Associate Professor Obst & Gynae







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