Frequency of noise induced hearing loss and its association with anxiety in textile mill workers.


  • Azmat Tahira The University of Lahore.
  • Atia-Ur-Rehman The University of Lahore.
  • Tahira Ashraf The University of Lahore.
  • Waris Ali Hameed Latif Hospital Lahore.
  • Ambreen Sadaf The University of Lahore.
  • Taimoor Hassan The University of Lahore, Pakistan.



Anxiety, Carhart Notch, Noise Induced Hearing Loss, Occupational Noise, Pure Tone Audiometry


Objective: To find out frequency of noise induced hearing loss and its association with anxiety in textile mill workers. Study Design: Analytical Cross-sectional study. Setting: Master Textile Mill’s Spinning and Weaving Units. Pvt. Ltd. Lahore. Period: December 2019 to May 2020. Material & Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted on 125 textile mill workers with non-probability purposive sampling having 5 to 10 years working experience in spinning and weaving units of age 25 to 40 years (males). Data was collected by performing Otoscopy, tympanometry and pure tone audiometry in noise-controlled room and BAI, analyzed and evaluated with the help of statistical package for social sciences version 25.00. Pearson chi square was used and P value was equal or less than 5% was taken as significant. Results: Total number of 125 (100%) were tested to check their hearing levels by standard pure tone audiometry. Out of 125(100%) 14(11.2 %) were with normal hearing. 28(22.4%) with mild hearing, 36(29%) with mild to moderate hearing, 34(27%) with moderate hearing, 12(10%) with moderately severe hearing and 1(0.8%) with severe hearing levels. Out of 125(100%) 50 (40%) were diagnosed with low level of anxiety, 43(34%) were with moderate level of anxiety and 32(26%) were with severe level of anxiety in all the participants working in the textile mill. Conclusion: It is concluded that the mill workers are on the risk of developing hearing loss of different severity levels which also cause anxiety to them.

Author Biographies

Azmat Tahira, The University of Lahore.

MS (Hearing Sciences), Senior Lecturer Health Professional Technologies, 

Atia-Ur-Rehman, The University of Lahore.

Ph.D (Scholar), Assistant Professor/ DHPT (AHS), 

Tahira Ashraf, The University of Lahore.

Ph.D (Rehabilitation Sciences), Assistant Professor/ DHPT (AHS), 

Waris Ali, Hameed Latif Hospital Lahore.

MS (Hearing Sciences), Clinical Audiologist, 

Ambreen Sadaf, The University of Lahore.

MS Scholar Clinical Psychology, Demonstrator, 

Taimoor Hassan, The University of Lahore, Pakistan.

Bachelor Operation Theater Sciences, Lecturer Health Professional Technologies, 






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