Gall bladder stones disease– prediction constructs calculator.


  • Mukhtar Mehboob Mohtarma Shaheed Benazir Bhutto General Hospital Quetta.
  • Manzoor Ahmed Bolan Medical College Quetta.
  • Zulfiqar Khosa Bolan Medical College Quetta.
  • Rubina Naz Bolan Medical College Quetta.
  • Muhammad Zubair Mohtarma Shaheed Benazir Bhutto General Hospital Quetta.



Anthropometric Indices, Gall Stone Disease, Lipid Profile


Objective: The objective was to calculate the constructs and determine the predictors of gall bladder stone disease. Study Design: Randomized Control study. Setting: Mohtarma Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Hospital and Sandeman Provincial Teaching Hospital Quetta. Period: 2019 to 2020. Material & Methods: A total of 392 patients were enrolled by non-probability consecutive technique from outpatient department and those referred from medicine department. The inclusion criteria were patients of any age group and gender. The exclusion criteria were the patients who were physically handicap interfering with anthropometric indices and patients suffering from hemolytic disease. The patients were divided into two groups, the disease group (patients having gall bladder stone) were 207 patients and control group (patients without gall bladder stone) were 185 patients. In all patients’ anthropometric indices and lipid profile was performed. The data was collected on prescribed proforma. The constructs were analyzed by using SPSS version 23. Results: The overall mean age of the patients was 43.97 +11.75 years. There were 355 (90.6%) female and 37 (9.4%) male. The height and weight were found significant in female patients (p – 0.012 & < 0.001 respectively). The waist circumference was significant in male (p – 0.017), while hip circumference and waist to hip ratio in female (p -0.015 & <0.001 respectively). The body mass index was above normal in female 122 (62.1%), while in male patients 7 (62.3%) in disease category. In female patients with high risk cholesterol group had 1.5 times more risk than desirable group and low level of HDL had 4 times more risk than normal level. In male patients with elevated LDL was statistically significant. Conclusion: Gall bladder stone disease predictors determinants are female in their late forties or early fifties, raised body mass index, hip circumference and waist to hip ratio and elevated cholesterol level, while male in their late forties or early fifties, raised waist circumference and elevated LDL & Triglycerides.

Author Biographies

Mukhtar Mehboob, Mohtarma Shaheed Benazir Bhutto General Hospital Quetta.

MBBS, FCPS, MRCS, FRCS, FACS, Consultant Surgeon, 

Manzoor Ahmed, Bolan Medical College Quetta.

MBBS, FCPS, Assistant Professor, 

Zulfiqar Khosa, Bolan Medical College Quetta.

MBBS, M.Phil, Assistant Professor Biochemistry, 

Rubina Naz, Bolan Medical College Quetta.

MBBS, FCPS, MRCP, Senior Registrar General Medicine, 

Muhammad Zubair, Mohtarma Shaheed Benazir Bhutto General Hospital Quetta.

MBBS, FCPS, Senior Physician General Medicine, 






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