Surgical repair of Vesico-Vaginal: Vaginal route versus abdominal route.


  • Abdul Qayoom Khuro Pir Abdul Qadri Institute of Medical Sciences Gambat.
  • Illahi Bux Brohi Pir Abdul Qadri Institute of Medical Sciences Gambat.
  • Muhammad Shahid Bhatti Pir Abdul Qadri Institute of Medical Sciences Gambat.



Surgical Repair, Transabdominal Repair, Transvaginal Repair, Vesicovaginal Fistula


Objective: To determine outcomes and complications of vesico-vaginal fistula repair via vaginal and abdominal route. Study Design: Cross Sectional study. Setting: Department of Urology and Kidney Transplantation, Pir Abdul Qadir Institute of Medical Sciences Gambat. Period: January 2020 to December 2020. Material & Methods: Patients having vesicovaginal fistula irrespective of age and fulfilling our inclusion criteria were included in the study using non-probability consecutive sampling technique. Patients having very large fistula, fistula involving neck of urinary bladder, failure of previous operation, patients with malignancy or co-morbidities were excluded from the study. Vaginal and abdominal approaches were used for fistula repair depending upon the level of fistula. Those operated via vaginal route were kept in trans-vaginal group and those operated via abdominal route were assigned trans-abdominal group. Results: Total 35 cases were studied having age 16-45 years with mean age of 32.6 ± 4.2 years. Transvaginal fistula repair was done in 37.1% and transabdominal repair was done in 62.8% cases. Most common cause of VVF was previous gynecological surgery in 77% cases. Success rate was 100% in transvaginal fistula repair as compared to 95.4% success rate achieved in transabdominal repair of fistula. Conclusion: Trans abdominal and transvaginal route both are good approaches but Transvaginal route of fistula repair is associated with high success rate than transabdominal route with minimum complications and better outcomes but it needs expert surgeon.

Author Biographies

Abdul Qayoom Khuro, Pir Abdul Qadri Institute of Medical Sciences Gambat.

MS (Urology)

Senior Registrar Urology and Kidney Transplantation


Illahi Bux Brohi, Pir Abdul Qadri Institute of Medical Sciences Gambat.

FCPS (Pediatric Surgery)

Assistant Professor Pediatric Surgery


Muhammad Shahid Bhatti, Pir Abdul Qadri Institute of Medical Sciences Gambat.

FCPS (Urology)

Assistant Professor Urology and Kidney Transplantation






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