Challenges in device closure of PDA in adults.


  • Tauseef Asma Chaudhry CPE Institue of Cardioloy, Multan.
  • Muhammad Younas CPE Institue of Cardioloy, Multan.
  • Muhammad Ahsan Beg CPE Institue of Cardioloy, Multan.
  • Baqir Maqboool CPE Institue of Cardioloy, Multan.



Adolescents and Adults, Patent Ductus Arteriosus, Trans Catheter Closure


Objective: To describe the challenges and outcomes of per cutaneous closure of PDA in adolescents and adults. Study Design: Cross Sectional, Retrospective Analysis. Setting: Department of Pediatric Cardiology, CPE Institute of Cardiology, Multan. Period: 2017 to 2019. Material & Methods: A total of 111 adolescent and adult patients were included in the study. Patients with irreversible severe pulmonary hypertension were not included. Sampling with consecutive nonprobability was done. Procedure was done according to standard protocols. Different devices were used in different patients according to morphology of defect. Devices included SHSMA and Lifetech duct occluders. In two patients VSD muscular devices were also used. Results: Mean age was 22 + 7.88 years. Out of these 111 subjects, 72 (63%) were female and 39 (37%) were male with a ratio of 1.84:1. Two patients were of moderate size (3-5mm) PDA, 26 (27%) were of moderately large (5-7mm) size and majority of patients had large size (>7mm) PDA (55%). Majority of PDAs were type A (100, 90%), one was type B, 4 were type C and 6 were of type E according to Krichenko classification. No complications occurred except in one patient in which device was embolized. Foaming through the device was noted in 65 patients after 24 hours post procedure echocardiography. Conclusion: It was concluded that PDA device closure has its own challenges in adults but it is safe and effective as well.

Author Biographies

Tauseef Asma Chaudhry, CPE Institue of Cardioloy, Multan.

FCPS (Paeds), FCPS (Paeds Cardiology)

Assistant Professor Pediatric Cardiology


Muhammad Younas, CPE Institue of Cardioloy, Multan.

FCPS (Paeds), FCPS (Paeds cardiology)

HOD Professor Pediatric Cardiology


Muhammad Ahsan Beg, CPE Institue of Cardioloy, Multan.

FCPS (Paeds), FCPS (Paeds Cardiology)

Associate Professor Pediatric Cardiology


Baqir Maqboool, CPE Institue of Cardioloy, Multan.

FCPS (Paeds Cardiology)

Senior Registrar Pediatric Cardiology







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