Cutaneous pilar leiomyoma completely treatable by surgical resection, a case report.


  • Iftikhar Alam DG Khan Medical College/ Teaching Hospital, DG Khan.
  • Abdul Malak Mujahid DG Khan Medical College/ Teaching Hospital, DG Khan.



Cutaneous Leiomyoma, Chest Wall, Pain, Split Thickness Skin Graft


Background: Cutaneous pillar leiomyoma (CPL) is a benign skin tumour of errector pili muscles and is rare condition. Clinically it appears as small nodule which are in the form of small groups. These are tender to touch, pressure, cold, and emotional stimuli. Different modalities have been tried to reduce pain and discomfort. Surgery is a treatment of choice in lesion which are very tender and associated with disturbance of social life. The objective of treatment in to achieve complete cure from pain with functional and aesthetic improvement. Case: A case of a male patient age 28 years, with multiple cutaneous leiomyomas on the left anterior chest wall and lateral chest wall. On clinical examination there were multiple nodular skin lesions that manifested as brownish erythematous. The lesions increased gradually during the last 2 years, extending to the left lateral chest wall. Complete surgical excision of tumor was done, followed by coverage with split thickness skin graft taken from the thigh. Patient was followed up fortnightly up to six month. Results: After surgical treatment, there was complete pain relief and acceptable cosmetic outcome, which allowed the social reintegration. Conclusion: Cutaneous pilus leiomyomas is difficult to treat. The radical resection of tumor is important to resolve the symptoms with prevention of tumor recurrence.

Author Biographies

Iftikhar Alam, DG Khan Medical College/ Teaching Hospital, DG Khan.

MBBS, FCPS (Plastic Surgery)

Senior Registrar Plastic Surgery


Abdul Malak Mujahid, DG Khan Medical College/ Teaching Hospital, DG Khan.

MBBS, FCPS (Plastic Surgery)

Assistant Professor Plastic Surgery







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