For writing in a medical journal.
World Wide Web,, medical journals,, bibliography, biostatistics, scientific writing.Abstract
Objective: To search for the websites available on the World-Wide-Web that contain resources for scientific medical writing
icluding medical writing advices, online biomedical journals, refrence and citation guidelines and biostatistics webpages. Methods:
Yahoo, Google scholar and Scirus search engines were used by entering the search terms “medical writing resources”, “biostatistics
“and “citation guideslines” during the Period: June 2008 to December 2008. Results: Many websites were found containing instructions
to authors in health sciences(http://www.icmje.org/ ,http://mulford.meduohio.edu/ instr/, http://amwadvc.org/
,http://www.councilscience-editors.org/, http://www.medweb.emory.edu/, http://www.writers write.com/medical/,
http://gateway.nlm.nih.gov/, http://www.au thoraid.info/ http://www.equator-network.org/.), resources for online biomedical
journals(www.pakmedinet.com, FreeMedicalJournals.com, PubMedECntal.com, findarticle.com) biostatistics information
(http://interstat.statjournals.net, www.bmj.com/statbk/ http://statpages.org/, www.quantitativeskills.com/sisa) and reference guidelines
((www.apastyle.org, http://library.duke.edu/research/citing/, http://www.library.ualber ta.ca/guides/citation/index.cfm,
http://www.osu.edu/,). Conclusions: With the recent advancements in online availability of biomedical resources, internet may help a lot
in putting up a research work into an article form and getting it published.