Prediabetes,, Hb A1c,, Prevalence,, BMI.Abstract
Introduction: Early intervention among patients with prediabetes can prevent or
delay diabetes. Moreover, regression from prediabetes to normal glucose regulation has been
associated with reduction in cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. Estimate of prevalence of this
condition is vital as diabetes is now a global epidemic requiring steps towards its prevention.
Study Design: Descriptive study. Setting: Fatima Memorial Hospital & Medical & Dental College
Lahore. Period: 1st February 2016 till 1st February 2017. Objective: To determine the prevalence
of pre-diabetes and associated risk factors and demographic features in our local population
using HbA1c as a screening test. Material and Methods: The study population includes adults
18 years and above who reported in hospital outdoor as well as employees, faculty members
and students. Subjects were included in the study after taking written consent. The statistical
analysis was performed on SPSS version 23. Results: The number of subjects included was
400. 138(34%) had HbA1c value in prediabetic range (5.7-6.4%) and 56 (14%) in diabetic range
(>6.4%). Mean age of prediabetics was 41± 13, 34% were males and 66% were females, 27%
were in age group less than 30 years. Their mean HbA1c was 5.9%. Above normal body mass
index (BMI) was reported in 128 (93%) and positive family history of diabetes mellitus (DM) in
135 (98 %) subjects (P value: 0.00). All females with history of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
and Gestational Diabetes showed prediabetes. Conclusion: The prevalence of prediabetes is
significant in our studied population. It has strong association with family history of diabetes and
above normal BMI values. There are also a significant number of undiagnosed asymptomatic
diabetics in our population.