Nutritional stabilization in paediatric intensive care unit: A Literature Review.


  • Asim Khurshid The Children’s Hospital & ICH, Multan.
  • Muhammad Tariq Aziz CH & ICH, Multan.
  • Muhammad Abu Talib CH & ICH, Multan.
  • Imran Iqbal CH & ICH, Multan.



Enteral Nutrition, Length of Stay, Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, Parenteral Nutrition, Trans Pyloric Feeding


The subject of nutrition in intensive care is being discussed among the pediatric intensivists since long. The nutritional supplementation plays a vital role in treatment of pediatric intensive care patients. In recent past, due to technological advances the pathophysiology of critical diseases is being better understood so better nutritional strategies are being implemented in critical care units. As a result the prognosis of intensive care patients is improving resulting in decreased length of stay and less number of deaths of these patients. The metabolic stress in sick patients is an important factor to be considered while calculating the nutritional requirements of patients. The body’s physiological mechanisms in the event of stress due to critical illness, need to be understood to make nutritional assessment of pediatric critical patients. The purpose of the current review is to recognize the recent nutritional supplementation guidelines of pediatric critical patients and to discuss any controversial issues. A meticulous study of the published literature regarding supplemental nutrition, energy calculation and algorithmic protocols for nutritional targets in pediatric critical population was done and areas in need of future research were identified.

Author Biographies

Asim Khurshid, The Children’s Hospital & ICH, Multan.

MBBS, FCPS (Paediatric Medicine), Associate Professor Paediatric Medicine, 

Muhammad Tariq Aziz, CH & ICH, Multan.

FCPS (Pediatric Medicine), Assistant Professor Pediatric Medicine, 

Muhammad Abu Talib, CH & ICH, Multan.

FCPS (Pediatric Medicine), Assistant Professor Pediatric Gastroenterology, 

Imran Iqbal, CH & ICH, Multan.

FCPS (Pediatric Medicine), Assistant Professor Pediatric Medicine, 






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