Psychosocial impairment in children with Celiac disease.


  • Erum Afzal The Institute of Child Health Multan.
  • Aslam Sheikh The Institute of Child Health Multan.
  • Ghazi Khan Khosa The Institute of Child Health Multan.
  • Komal Noor The Institute of Child Health Multan.



Celiac Disease, Psychosocial Illness, Growth Retardation


Objective: To determine the frequency of psychosocial impairment in patients with celiac disease. Study Design: Descriptive Cross Sectional study. Setting: Children Hospital Complex and Institute of Child Health, (CHICH) Multan. Period: August 2019 to August 2020. Material & Methods: A total number of 177 patients having age 4-16 years with diagnosis of CD were included in this study. In children with CD depressive illness were assessed by using Pediatric symptoms checklist (PSC) form and this PSC form was filled by asking questions from parents then filling of form by doctor. Outcome variable was calculated on the basis of Pediatric symptoms checklist (PSC), whether patient has psychosocial illness or not. Results: Mean age of patients was 8.91±3.50 years. Mean duration of celiac disease of patients was 4.27±2.00 months. There were 135 (76.27%) female patients and 42 (23.73%) male patients. Mean serum anti-tissue transglutaminase IgA (tTG-IgA) level of patients was 122.73±24.31 µg/ml. The socioeconomic status of 115 (64.97%) patients was poor, 31 (17.51%) was middle, 18 (10.17%) patient was upper middle and 13 (7.34%) patients was high. Psychosocial illness was present in 35 (19.77%) patients. Conclusion: Psychosocial illness was diagnosed in 19.77% children having CD. So the children with celiac disease should be monitored for symptoms of anxiety and depression and a thorough counselling of the children to reduce the risk of psychosocial illness.

Author Biographies

Erum Afzal, The Institute of Child Health Multan.

MBBS, MCPS, FCPS (Pediatrics)

Assistant Professor Developmental Pediatrics

Aslam Sheikh, The Institute of Child Health Multan.


Associate Professor Pediatric Gastroenterologist

Ghazi Khan Khosa, The Institute of Child Health Multan.

MBBS, FCPS (Pediatrics)

Assistant Professor Pediatric Gastroenterologist

Komal Noor, The Institute of Child Health Multan.


Postgraduate Registrar General Medicine






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