Association of trace elements with oral submucous fibrosis.


  • Waqas Iqbal Isra Dental College, Isra University Hyderabad, Sindh
  • Arhama Surwaich Bhitai Dental and Medical College Mirpurkhas.
  • Surwaich Ali Channa Bibi Aseefa Dental (SMBBMU) College Larkana.
  • Khalid Yousuf LUMHS Jamshoro.
  • Shahzaman Memon Bhitai Dental & Medical College Mirpurkhas.
  • Shafquat Hussain Khuwaja Isra Dental College, Isra University, Hyderabad.



LYSYL Oxidase Activity Causing, Oral Submucous Fibrosis, Sindh-Pakistan


Objectives: Clinical assessment of OSMF patients visiting Isra dental college Hyderabad Sindh and correlation of trace elements in OSMF pathogenesis. Study Design: Observational Study. Setting: Outpatient Department, Oral Surgery Isra Dental College Hyderabad Sindh. Period: February 2016 January 2017. Material & Methods: Sixty research participants were categorized into control (group-II) and experimental group (group-I). Both clinical and physiological demographics of the research participants were recorded on a pre-designed questionnaire. In next phase, estimation of serum copper and serum zinc levels were determined for both control and OSMF patients by using spectrometric analysis. Patient data analysis was done by using Chi-square test and student’s t test. Where Microsoft office 2010 tools were also used for data presentation. Results: Based on clinical presentation 80 % patient were presenting with burning sensation in oral cavity in thirty OSMF patients. Where in control group only 3.3% patients were facing burning sensation in oral cavity. By assessing the functional staging of oral submucosa fibrosis about 50 % patients were presenting stage-II OSMF cytology. Where all the thirty participants in experimental group were presenting mucosal blanching. About 36 % patients suffering from OSMF were using Gutka and 33 % patients were using areca nut. Serum Zn mean value estimation in controls (Group II) and cases (Group I OSMF) was noted as 68.06 ± 17.10 and 94.20 ± 15.11 µg/dl respectively (t = 6.27, p=0.001). Conclusion: The present study concludes that increased serum trace element levels has significant correlation in the development and progression of OSMF.

Author Biographies

Waqas Iqbal, Isra Dental College, Isra University Hyderabad, Sindh

BDS, MDS (Oral Pathology)

Associate Professor (Oral Pathology)

Arhama Surwaich, Bhitai Dental and Medical College Mirpurkhas.


Assistant Professor Oral Pathology

Surwaich Ali Channa, Bibi Aseefa Dental (SMBBMU) College Larkana.


Assistant Professor Oral Pathology

Khalid Yousuf, LUMHS Jamshoro.


Lecturer Pathology

Shahzaman Memon, Bhitai Dental & Medical College Mirpurkhas.

BDS, M.Sc Oral Pathology

Assistant Professor Oral Pathology

Shafquat Hussain Khuwaja, Isra Dental College, Isra University, Hyderabad.

BDS, M.Sc (Periodontology)

Assistant Professor Periodontology






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