COVID-19 – A perspective of health care workers at Tertiary Care Hospital in Karachi – A Clinical Survey.


  • Amera Tariq PNS Shifa Karachi.
  • Tariq Mahmood PNS Shifa Karachi.
  • Aysha Shahid PNS Shifa Karachi.
  • Nadia Maqbool PNS Shifa Karachi.
  • Rabiah Anwar PNS Shifa Karachi.
  • Afeera Afsheen PNS Shifa Karachi.



Anxiety, COVID-19, Healthcare Workers, Mental Stressors, Psychological Effects


Objective: To assess the knowledge of healthcare officials about COVID-19 disease and its effects on the mental health of healthcare workers (HCWs). Study Design: Cross-sectional Survey. Setting: Tertiary Care Hospital in Karachi. Period: 1st February to 30th June 2020. Material & Methods: After approval of the hospital’s ethical committee, 70 HCWs, filled the pre-formed questionnaire including their demographic features, specialty and questions related to fear, stressful factors and strategies to mitigate this stress. Results: A total of 120 questionnaires were distributed to healthcare workers at a peripheral hospital with a return of 58.3%. Majority were females, 59(84.3%).  The mean age was 30.32 years ±8.17 SD. All of our participants perceived it their professional and ethical responsibility to perform duties during COVID-19 pandemic. 97.1% felt proud to be serving humanity.  57.1% of HCWs were anxious. 52.9% were satisfied with hospital policies and felt appreciated. Triggering factors for the mental stress included: psychological conflict between profession and personal safety 71.4%, 87.1% feared intubation of colleagues, lack of family support among 38.6%, 92.9% were afraid of transmitting the infection to their families while 88.6% had anxiety due to uncertainty regarding when the pandemic will end. Various techniques employed by HCWs to cope with this stress included prayers, sports and exercise (95.7%), self-motivation (88.6%)and psychologist’s help (41.4%). Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic has led to mental stress to HCWs from multiple factors and special attention to strategies to alleviate this stress is strongly recommended.

Author Biographies

Amera Tariq, PNS Shifa Karachi.


Consultant Gynaecologist

Tariq Mahmood, PNS Shifa Karachi.

FCPS Anaes

Consultant Anaesthetist

Aysha Shahid, PNS Shifa Karachi.


Consultant Gynaecologist

Nadia Maqbool, PNS Shifa Karachi.


Consultant Gynaecologist

Rabiah Anwar, PNS Shifa Karachi.


Consultant Gynaecologist

Afeera Afsheen, PNS Shifa Karachi.


Consultant Gynaecologist






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