Prevalence of Typhi DOT IGM positive results in COVID-19 patients at primary and secondary health care hospitals in Punjab, Pakistan.


  • Muhammad Saeed Aslam Lifecare Hospital, Burewala, Pakistan.
  • Sidra Shabeer Allied Hospital, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
  • Rabia Majeed Allied Hospital, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
  • Fareeha Asghar Allied Hospital, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
  • Syeda Rizwana Jafri Azra Naheed Medical College, Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Humera Khan University of Health Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan.



COVID-19, Patients, Typhi Dot IGM


Objective: To determine prevalence of Typhi dot IgM positive results in COVID-19 patients at primary and secondary health care hospitals in Pakistan. Study Design: Descriptive Cross-sectional study. Setting: Tehsil Head Quarter Hospital of Burewala and District Head Quarter Hospital of Vehari. Period: 1st March 2020 to 30th June 2020. Material & Methods: Study was done among diagnosed cases of COVID-19 after taking ethical approval from ethical review board. Results were assessed by using SPSS version-24. Results: Males were predominant (71.30%) in our study as COVID-19 positives than the females. Most of the patients (51.70%) were from middle aged group, i.e. 31-60 years. Only 7.40% patients were from elder age group (more than 60 years). More than half of the patients (51.90%) were found to be positive with IgM typhi dot test. We repeated the tests and found the same results. We also calculated the prevalence of typhoid positive cases in COVID patients according to different demographic variables.  As far as gender is concerned, our result was highly statistically significant when associated with typhoid positive results among COVID patients (P=0.0001). Males were predominantly having high rate of typhi dot IgM positives (71.30%) than females. Middle aged patients were found to be more affected by typhi dot positive results. Conclusion: It is concluded that there is a high and significant ratio of typhi dot positive results for IgM in COVID patients at Vihari district.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Saeed Aslam, Lifecare Hospital, Burewala, Pakistan.


Consultant Physician

Sidra Shabeer, Allied Hospital, Faisalabad, Pakistan.


House Officer

Rabia Majeed, Allied Hospital, Faisalabad, Pakistan.


House Officer


Fareeha Asghar, Allied Hospital, Faisalabad, Pakistan.


House Officer

Syeda Rizwana Jafri, Azra Naheed Medical College, Lahore, Pakistan.

MBBS, M.Phil

Assistant Professor Anatomy

Humera Khan, University of Health Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan.

MBBS, M.Phil Scholar







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