The impact of overactive bladder on health related quality of life.


  • Hafiza Khatoon PAQSJ Gambat Institute of Medical Sciences Gambat, Khairpur Sindh. 
  • Safia . PAQSJ Gambat Institute of Medical Sciences Gambat, Khairpur Mirs Sindh.
  • Ambreen Naz PAQSJ Gambat Institute of Medical Sciences Gambat, Khairpur Mirs Sindh. 
  • Nousheen Mushtaq Health Department Sindh Govt
  • Tahira Awan Civil Hospital Karachi.
  • Rukhsana Ahmed PAQSJ Gambat Institute of Medical Sciences Gambat, Khairpur Mirs Sindh. 



Epidemiology, Overactive Bladder, Quality of Life


Objective: To determine the impact of overactive bladder on health related quality of life (HRQOL). Study Design: Cross Sectional study. Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Gambat Institute of Medical Sciences Gambat, Khairpur Sindh. Period: 1st November 2018 to 30th June 2019. Material & Methods: One Hundred forty nine women included who fulfilled inclusion criteria after taking inform consent. The questionnaire consisting of domain of general health perception, urinary incontinence, role limitation on physical, social & personal relationship, emotion with score was analyzed. Each question was carry 1 point as score .Score was analyzed further on percentage basis. Those who gain >33% were be labeled as impact of overactive bladder –ve patients. Finally data was analyzed on SPSS version 21. Results: The present study consisted of 145 subjects presented to the Department of Psychiatry, Services Hospital Lahore (both in and Out-patients). Over reactive bladder were matched on age, sex and socio-economic status & educational status. The age range of the total sample was 23-60 years. Mean age was 42.53 + 11.69. The duration of symptoms range of the total sample was 09-20 years. Mean duration was 16.7 + 5.6. The prevalence of over reactive bladder (OAB) syndrome were found 21%, respectively. The age were divided in to four classification age groups 17(11.7%) under the age of <30years, 31(21.4%) under the age of 31-40 years, 85(58.6%) found under the age of (58.6%) & 41-50 Years of age 85(58.6%) Women constitute the largest age groups. Out of 145 Women 68(46.9%) were Illiterate, 48(33.1%) were literate up to intermediate, 29(20%), took graduation education. The distribution of income classes of women 61(42.06%) belong to low class, 65(44.84%) belong to middle class and only 19(13.10%) belong to upper class. The parity distributions were revealed that most of the 78(53.7%) women had multiparty. Stratification of confounding variable for effect modifier Age & parity were found to be significantly associated with over reactive bladder syndrome. Again Stratification of confounding variable for effect modifier socio economic status & education status are not found significantly associated with over reactive bladder syndrome & P –Value were not found significantly associated with OAB P>0.05. Conclusion: We concluded incidence of overactive bladder in the female is almost similar and associated with increasing your age. Patients of OAB are under-diagnosed and under-treated. This patient can benefit from standard tests.

Author Biographies

Hafiza Khatoon, PAQSJ Gambat Institute of Medical Sciences Gambat, Khairpur Sindh. 


Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Safia ., PAQSJ Gambat Institute of Medical Sciences Gambat, Khairpur Mirs Sindh.


Senior Registrar

Ambreen Naz, PAQSJ Gambat Institute of Medical Sciences Gambat, Khairpur Mirs Sindh. 


Instructor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Nousheen Mushtaq, Health Department Sindh Govt


Senior Registrar

Tahira Awan, Civil Hospital Karachi.


Consultant Gynaecologist

Rukhsana Ahmed, PAQSJ Gambat Institute of Medical Sciences Gambat, Khairpur Mirs Sindh. 


Senior Registrar






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